
This is why I don’t fuck with religion; they have zero interest in justice and quality and merely want to dangle the prospect of the afterlife to keep your from fighting for better conditions in this one.

So does the day care have a dress code banning children from wearing political messaging on their clothes? Or did they just see her shirt and decide now was the time to institute one?

Corrected that shit right into the public easement part too! Detroit chicks can get down with the petty!

She needs to be more “concerned” about this...

I can only think of two explanations as to why people post stuff like this...

I had an epic joke and it all got ruined but I know everyone saw this shit and was like

*angrily shakes fists at Kinja gods*

First I was like

“accept the narrative that this is the best the black community has to offer” 

I’ve never been to any of those sites before for two reasons.

And yet, somehow, while telling us how horrible the site and the writers are, they can’t seem to stay away.

“I’m not asking for them to be introspective, I’m asking for them to stop,” Jones replied, blackity-blackly.

Thank you upstanding Iowans. You’re doing vandalism right:

I bet he smells of piss and split pea soup.

So down-cycled Ted Nugent up there claims other people don’t know their history when his dumbass is displaying the US flag alongside flags of our enemies.

And we should quickly forget this one. When he started getting into Emmett Till and lynching and “.. because I’m not going to give you my name because I don’t trust you not to lynch me. And what you did to Buttigieg was as much a lynching with your laptop and browser as the old fashion one with rope and a tree.”

Racism is not a mental illness. It’s a deliberate choice... pure and simple.

Amazing. How does someone type so much and say nothing at all? And its twice as much work because Harry has to write the fake mails to himself too.

Well, I ain’t no deacon, but I do know the second verse. But damn, thank you for reminding me about this version. Definitely the best one there is.

They already here.