spoken like a true American. sue sue sue... give me money. Maybe you should fight for a new car for him because it will never be the same again. lol
yeah tell me about it.
No. No ragrets.
You're hilarious. Do you even understand what you're saying here? It's racism preferring an ISO Grifo over a Datsun 240Z? Or a Stratos over a Celica Supra?
If I were in front of a camera while that happened I would have totally made it a point to immediately check on the person to see if they're okay (even though it looked very minor) so then I could watch the video later and jerk off to all of the "what a class act" posts I would accumulate.
I wish my workload would lighten up so I could finally write my evisceration of our new Odyssey, which wouldn't suck half as badly if not for the bullshit tech/safety features that turning "boring" into "maddening." I'll get to it. And Honda will get a copy, too.
I'm sure the German language has exactly the world you're looking for.
If Scion stopped sticking tons of gadgets into their cars and just added Nyan cat upholstery, they wouldn't have had to give up on their "For the kids!" business plan.
"Orochi. Mitsuoka Orochi."
I think "Juke" works well! I would also offer the phrase, "Well aren't you sweet?"
"Also, Ford should grant us one additional paid coffee break. But focus on the sodomy thing first."