If it was a Lucas, the charges wouldn't hold up.
If it was a Lucas, the charges wouldn't hold up.
Who are you, Bill Cosby's lawyer?
All these suggestions are wrong. The one and only answer is: ANY CAR BUT MINE!!!
If your sloshed passenger is going to make a mess – and they will – better it be in their car than yours, because cleaning it won't be your problem. Maybe it'll even teach them a lesson too.
You mean I'm left with $10k for mods on the tractor??? Quick, somebody, source me a set of spinners, a stereo, and a sick wing for a 1959 Standard Diesel Tractor!
How far you can drive on a single charge? When you sit in the drivers seat, do you like the position?
You must be new here.
nothing worth buying.
Honestly, this is getting so tiring.
This may be the worst answer to a jalopnik question i've ever seen