
Literally, dazzling.

I've had 3 in the past, twice with the red trim. Nissan played it safe with the interior, allowing drivers to make the point that they chose an unconventional car without having to live with a bizarre cabin. I did sometimes wish they could have gone a bit crazy and put some funky lighting in or, as you alluded to,

I prefer to simplify these sort of things, as I appreciate that in the grand scheme of things I really am not very significant.

Just another reason to appreciate being alive now and not a century ago.

In the UK these literally don't depreciate. The waiting list is still long and until the Bentley SUV comes out, there's nothing else quite like it. The S Class is about equal in terms of luxury but buyers of these sort of vehicles know what they want and they decide between the Benz and the Range pretty fast.

Is there a word that means ghastly, yet endearing? Ghastearing? Endhastly? Juke?

Sort of underwhelming. I guess that's okay. Eventually places like this could become as ubiquitous as car washes so if they all cost a fortune, it would be a massive waste.

And Autoblog got it from this very comment thread.

Your language is obscene, and ihm96 has merely raised a valid point. You shouldnt make claims unless you're willing to be decent when asked to cite a source. Refusing to have a discussion reduces your statement to a monologue. You may as well have written that on a scrap of paper and thrown it away.

I've noticed your comments. Please tell us more about your problems so we can get all the details down on the Kickstarter page we're setting up for you.

I think JasonH's point is that crash testing is BS if not every car requires it. More so if his friend's car is practically bragging about it.

I'm confused. Is it s hybrid or not?

This happened to me when my parents tried to name me 595. Fiat got all pissy about it and now I have to spend my life being called Jamie. At least I we avoid the confrontation with Fiat, I don't overcrowd the 500 corral, and I add a fresh twist to the James theme

I'm bored, now. Wake me up when it's in showrooms.

No matter who you love, Jalopnik will always love you, Son.

My PCP deal states that my car is mine, but that the car is the collateral for the loan (which seems oxymoronic) but at the end of the month, my company gives me 89% of my monthly car payment. If I drove a used car they'd give me nada. I pay for insurance and the remaining 11% of my payment, while laughing at my

If you look closely, you will see that almost everything is a phallus.

I know they're trying to appeal to his fans blah blah but why do they get celebrities that HAVE LITERALLY NEVER DRIVEN A CAR in their entire lives to come on a show called Top Gear?

Three in a row? Probably only one badly parked car and the rest just left the appropriate amount of space. The original asshat might not even be one of those 3.

You'll see that as either being overpriced, but I see it as about right for what it is now: a small, front-wheel drive BMW hatchback. And BMWs aren't cheap when it comes to base prices or options.