
But she was wearing a frumpy dress and glasses. I mean come on, does it get any uglier than that!

Back in my day we called that cereal Super Sugar Crisp. Fuckin' high fructose corn syrup has ruined everything.

Yeah, but Jesus didn't heal people with antibiotics. (Seriously, that's their argument.)

Well my girlfriend's friend's boyfriend makes $5421 per week just by working a few hours a week on the internet.

Everyone loves to laugh at Ask Jeeves, but few people realize they changed their name to and are still on the most used list.

Wilson was a VOLLEYBALL, you racist!

Soldiers Field? With an "s' on the end? You've just lost all of your Chicago cred.

That's a new skateboard park, right?

I tuned out after three minutes

Carl Wilson wishes he had as many Twitter followers as Liam and Harry. He's just jealous!!! #1D4eva

Charlton Heston played a Mexican cop in Touch of Evil which was totally believable because they gave him a mustache.

If they can work Dennis Duffy into that story, then I'm in.

She was also on The Killing.

Four of the five members of The Band are Canadian.

Person in early 20s has no idea what "film at 11" means

Not exactly. $258 million worldwide box office take on an $85 million budget.

It doesn't matter if she's funny, 'cause there are plenty of jokes about big tits. Haven't you seen 2 Broke Girls?

Every single show that's aired after Modern Family has now been cancelled. Massive failure by ABC.

I still have a copy of the final issue.

Well, I don't know exactly who they are, but according to Neilsen, 4,720,000 people watched Talking Dead this past Sunday.