
Fuck that. Google azealia banks mental illness: first thing that comes up is a screed she wrote about why calling zayn malik slurs was a way to fight whiteness and help him get #woke. If this woman is mentally ill she’s never publicly confirmed it and we shouldn’t act like she is on the basis of this behavior.

You have no idea if she suffers from a mental illness, is just a fucking asshole, or if it’s both. Stop it.

Not everyone who engages in bad behavior is mentally ill. Sometimes people are just assholes.

Getting drunk/high and being an asshole isn’t a mental illness.

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get