
Nothing portrays Jesus’ love quite like white christian hate.

Cinderys not only got it all together, but built the whole thing from scratch in just a month:”

I’d make a distinction between those who spent 100 hours handcrafting their own costume versus a model paid by blizzard to have things made in a costuming sweatshop by a team of underpaid workers tho.

Ok but this is literally a model with connections who, as far as I can tell, didn’t make a single item she’s wearing.

Unsurprisingly, it did not take long for fans to share fanart of the two of them.”


Yeah the problem here is that BOTH games have an extremely simple “steampunk” aesthetic smeared over them. But it’s steampunk through a mass appeal lens... the devs and designers don’t give a shit about steampunk. It’s just a look. A design choice. So, nothing is nuanced or original about it.

I like how there is zero explanation of what the fuck is even going on here.

That’s just neurotic east coast jewish-isms. 

Wow, using “is giving” in a professional setting really sets that bar low as fuck.

Who the fuck cares?

Unless I’m missing context... it sounds like she is genuinely a crazy person. First going after the wrong people over her not getting paid (what?)... and then jumping off that point (after she is corrected) and going after an ex boyfriend completely unprompted. 

Lol okay.

How is Stardew Valley not already an RPG? God I fucking hate this site.

Tf are you talking about? You’re getting worked up over something you and Bazzd both agree on it seems. I think you missed that.

Fucking trash to brainwash and indoctrinate the dumb.

One thing you aren’t considering are interdimensional beings. Something that is already on or near "our planet", but not necessarily on our spectrum of reality. 

They dont have family, friends or a real job. They have no skills outside of playing a game for 80-100 hours in a week.

Hahahaha. This is fucking dog shit and pathetic. A shit server nuking your progress is hilarious.

which includes a painful coming-out of sorts to her father, functions as a trans allegory”