
Not clicking on a slideshow. Fuck you.


Who the fuck cares?

Not bad. Not bad.

Fuck literally anyone that associates themselves with these shitbirds.

Not true, every time I go outside - I have some random wizard looking dude asking me for spare coin. Sometimes he offers me vials in exchange for it, too.

She stopped getting roles right after she butchered her face and body with horrible plastic surgery. She was also never a good actor, in anything she was in.

She stopped getting roles right after she butchered her face and body with horrible plastic surgery. She was also never a good actor, in anything she was in.

Real education means they wont have ignorant, blind followers anymore.

She doesn’t need to be alive.

It’s alleged because the parents are absolute scum bags that can’t be trusted, and the person who was underage when they met - has grown into an adult, and has never made the same claims.

“Fights with women”***

wow who the fuck cares

Actually - the people on the scene are the incompetent ones. Stop excusing cops not doing their jobs correctly.

I disagree. I think people should do this more often.

Is this really surprising to anyone? These writers and directors have been shown time and again to be complete hacks who failed into their hotshot positions.

It is literally insane that people are this fucking stupid.

Congrats this is literally how you fucking play the game.

You genuinely sound fucking dumb.

You’re describing most MAGAchuds.