
This game is a fucking joke. Bethesda has lost all respect from me.

What a fucking useless cunt. She really isn’t any different than anyone in trumps family.

Drag them all into the street and bust out the guillotine. Start completely fresh with ZERO racist fucking dinosaurs in that towns government. 

When you, leave Arthur Morgan on his horse, he will pet them affectionately.”

Glad Cap’s a Bernie fan, too.

Don’t you dare sully Cap’s good name. He was a true american patriot, and all around good person. 

Did you watch the same movie I did? I dont recall a single scene in which thor is playing a video game.

No, I read every last one of your extremely arrogant and contradictory replies. Your constant gratingly obvious inflated sense of self worth and ego comes through nicely.

Except you aren’t expressing an opinion - you began your response to this article exclaiming that [spoilers] do not warrant physical violence in response”. You’re stating that as fact... and clearly - asian dude didn’t agree with you. You also go on to say that spoilers don’t take away from the emotional response or

That’s great - but clearly (and this is the part you’re confused on) YOUR OPINION DOESN’T MATTER. Not to some guy in china getting mad at a dipshit looking for trouble, and not to me. Your replies seem to agree with the spoiler being in the wrong, and the fact that he was clearly an asshole seeking attention and

It isn’t a chopper. It’s a dirtbike with all the plastics removed. Which, oddly enough... would be literally perfect in an “end of the world” scenario.

You mean because it *ISNT* “frankenstein’s monster”? He has entire monologue in which he explains why he chose “his father’s name”. Motherfucker is named FRANKENSTEIN. I’d also accept “Adam”.

Actually, the worst part about this (as a motorcycle rider who has also done repair since they were 18) *IS* the motorcycle part. Just looking at the design is cringe worthy. The frame makes zero sense. The engine makes zero sense. The upgrades are... silly, to put it lightly. 


No mention of child slavery? Odd.

And wasps have such delicious honey, too. Let them work in peace!

It isn’t up to you to decide how important spoilers were to the old man in the photo - it’s up to him. If his response was to smack the shit out of that dude... then that’s how important the movie was for him.

I got tired of this game after about a month, if that. I forgot I even still have it, and will be trading it in for literally anything else this weekend.

You seem like someone who uses “slaps” with a straight face and unironically.

The dude is literally just butt hurt he has less attention on the internet.