
Nah, I’ll take Jim’s opinion on the video game industry over yours literally any day. Show me an example of him being wrong recently that DOESN’T include a follow up of him apologizing or clarifying his original point/opinion. I’ll bet money you cant do it.

This seems to contradict what I was shown, in person, about how the currency system works in this game. Regardless of “having to wait”, it sure does seem like you can purchase nearly everything you want with real money. 


Let’s see the rest of ‘er.

Someone should just put a bullet in the back of his head. I’m tired of seeing his dumb ass fucking face. His music was always a fucking trash joke, just like him. No worth.


and thaaaaaan?

Review bombs by smooth brained trump supporters are actually a sign that “people” are in fact, mad.

It sure seems like anyone who gets butthurt over this ending and starts crying out “reverse racism” or “white genocide” is most likely a fucking racist and should end their lives.

Hi these are just white softballs thnx.

Hi these are just white softballs thnx.

This title, along with the last several movies... is shit. Creatively bankrupt. Fingers crossed that the Mandalorian tries new things, and pulls them off.

You can’t actually be this dumb.

Pretty sure his career is ruined and over, smart boy. The cops have been paid by taxpayers. What they’re now “demanding” is called extortion.

I don't think I do.

So, did the cop make the donut come?

As someone who spent several years in an emotionally controlling and abusive (and eventually physically) relationship with a woman - I’m not giving anyone a free pass. Especially if they have a history of abuse and being a shitty person. She does not get a pass. He does not get a pass. Fuck them both, and anyone who

Lol at the internet pretending Heard is just an innocent victim. She has a history that almost never gets brought up. They’re both trash - and at this point, running even more stories about them is purely for clicks. Just stop.


What the fuck dude - I wrote this exact same comment on a different website. Did you... Did you just copy it and change like, four or five words around? Unbelievable.

They didn’t turn into the OG mascots, just from burgers to burgers with arms and faces. They looked close enough to the ones in the article that it’s a little embarrassing. Like, it’s obvious the design guy just had the originals lying around and decided no one would notice if he copied them.