Eaton Beaver

As someone who primarily played the last two Battlefields for their vehicle action, I’m a bit disappointed in Battlefront so far, as it tends to skew too heavily towards infantry. It needed a few more land vehicle options, and maybe another type of air unit as well.

Looks like its curtains for her.

If you get out of your race car on an active race track an walk INTO THE PATH of another race car with the intentions of starting a fight with the driver and you get hurt, it is YOUR fault and YOUR fault alone. YOU have no idea what stewart saw because you aren’t him. YOU have no idea how difficult a car like that can

Well, then, I guess I was lucky last weekend when I took my kids to the zoo. I was standing in line to get some ice cream, when the person at the counter served the guy in front of me two large cones of “Twist”, when he had order one chocolate & one vanilla. So the server looks up, and says “Anyone want free ice

Boy, it’s crazy to think that someone would trump up a racism scandal against their enemies. Who would do something like that?

I got me a car, it’s named after a whale
And we’re headin’ on down
To the Golf Shack
I got me a Bentley, it seats about 20
So hurry up and bring your caviar money

And in the US today, we are cutting the fleet down to less than 300 ships and cleaning house of experienced officers and enlisted to the point we will not be able to effectively fight a two-front conflict. Our "ghost fleet" has been pretty much wiped out. All while our potential adversaries are greatly building their

There is plenty about which to criticize Ah-nold, but he’s truly amazing in that he’s risen to the peak or near-peak of three vastly different professions.

Whole special was the absolute best. Still remember being 14 and watching this was my entire family. I remember totally losing my shit over MJ dancing - funny watching this video now because I recall the crowd reaction as much louder and in awe at the time...

That Kansas City Chiefs helmet?

I am very surprised that this article did not mention Swap-A-Lease..

I miss the good ol' days when people only killed you for your sneakers and jacket.