
😂 Brilliant!
I do wonder, will I still get these pop-up messages when I subscribe to the newsletter? I would guess so.

I knew there was no point of contact about site features; I checked before posting my comment. And again, you telling me that my comment would reach noone was not the part of your comment I doubted or had a problem with.

Talk about politeness. Do you actually think your first comment was polite!? 😂 You called my legitimate complaint spam. It was harsh and it was not helpful in the slightest. And then you’re wondering why you get told to shut up? you don’t know how to contact somebody who can do something about it. You complain about me complaining and call my comment spam. I think you are fucking joking.

Instead of posting such a useless comment, you could have told me how to contact somebody who can do something about it.

For the tenth time – no, I don’t want to sign up to the Kotaku newsletter. CAN YOU STOP ASKING!? The browsing experience of this website has been bad for a while, it amazes me that you continue to make it even worse.

A console with a built-in speaker? So not only don’t you need a 4K TV for the Series S, you don’t need a sound-system either. Amazing.

No worries mate, I just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page. 😉

Well, you could have simply not called it “software emulation” and everything would have been fine! 😄

PlayStation 5 will not use software emulation to run PlayStation 4 games. They incorporated any differences in the PlayStation 4's logic into the PlayStation 5's custom chips. The logic that PS4 and PS4 Pro games rely on is still available in the PS5's backwards compatibility modes.

This made it sound like not all, or even a majority of PS4 games, will be playable on PS5 when the console first arrives.

Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to her howlin’ roar
Diaper under tension
Beggin’ you to touch and go

Every time I look at these Fine Art articles I get super jealous of these artists’ skills and start doubting my own. Great stuff again.

I agree, developers shouldn’t be slammed for asking money for next-gen upgrades for their games. Because as you said, it takes time and money to make them. But some things to keep in mind here...

Smart Delivery is what Microsoft call it. All first-party games will support it. But third-party developers have the choice of whether or not they want to make use of it.

Well, yeah, but they killed Max’ wife and his child first... so... fair game? 😄

Even if Kotaku continues to make Highlight Reel, without Chris’ voice it isn’t going to be the same. 556 episodes though, that’s a good run, I don’t think I missed one. Thanks Chris and all the best for the future.

+1 for the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst dynamic theme. Been using it for a few weeks now and I don’t see myself getting rid of it. It’s clean and minimalist, the visibility of the icons is great, the sound effects are not annoying... and the background music is just incredibly soothing.

Even wiser men spelled it “sells”. 😝