Mao Zedong

“And that is why you fail.”

This sounds like the opening of a Bones episode..

When you wanna be the very best, you gotta risk it all

What are the odds we find out this person had died wandering too close to an unsafe area to also catch Pokemon?

Yup, that’s crime scene tape.

Well, could have been worse. She could have been playing Plants vs. Zombies...

Now playing

NO. its not logical because next its “bears offend my religon, talking animals? How cruel!, omg theres more men than women in the game, omg shooting people remove it thats not nice”.

But it not a sexual pose, it being censor because so fool woman sees a butt as horribly ruining her daughter.

So it’s impossible for Tracer to do the over the shoulder pose, which is a generic pose many heroes have, because someone might pop a boner at the sight of a fully clothed ass? How could we keep the pose? Make it look like she is wearing a diaper and you can’t see any crack? A conehead ass?

I agree. Pretty soon anybody who feels offended will demand immediate changes.

Taking out the n-word from Huck Finn is just one change to one word. What’s the big deal?

Changing the ending of Animal Farm to make all the animals sing together in their wonderful equality and live happily ever after is just one little change.

Context matters, etc.

Oh, but otherwise it’s a slippery slope. Think of

Whats stopping them now that blizzard immediately removed the pose. Were going to see more and more people wanting things removed. They didn’t even think about 6 hours later they just removed it and close out the post.

Lol at people who liked the pose being called “purity police” and not the puritans who complained about an ass.

One person complains and they buckle immediately.. you dont understand this encourages more of this behavior. It wasn’t even remotely sexual. 1>100?!

“let their GRADE SCHOOL CHILDREN play rated T games”