This is the equivalent of watching someone peel off Keira Knightley’s face and replace with William H. Macy’s in 4K.
This is the equivalent of watching someone peel off Keira Knightley’s face and replace with William H. Macy’s in 4K.
In the S2000, the heater will burn your legs off. I swap the studded tires on, put the top down, strap my snowboard in the passenger seat, and fucking live.
And he...he could just reach back and put the roof up. All it takes is one hand, easiest convertible top in history, yet he still has it down.
You don’t generally fly training missions over the most densely inhabited area of the entire United States at low altitude and in circles over a 5-block radius in broad daylight.
This is much more likely to do with our POTUS elect.
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
There is a law office nearby that owner (or at least driving) something exotic is a rule. The office staff looks like reformed pornstars too, but that’s beside the point. Someone who works there has one of these. Talk about street presence. Even people who will gladly mock the Aventador that parks there as ‘gauche’…
Man if I was wealthy I would use and abuse these pre-owned 90% depreciated lux sports cars like tissue paper - buy one, run it to the ground then get another one.
Should watch, editing and commentary are A+.
The other real story is the obscene price of prescriptions in the U.S.
Yeah, the $2500 still owed on an 18 year old Buick is the real story...
Thanks for the coupon code for Amazon books Shep, it was a nice little help for an off-the-cuff gift for my fiancee.
Thanks for the coupon code for Amazon books Shep, it was a nice little help for an off-the-cuff gift for my fiancee.
This was really well done and I believe Matt’s best work. Completely agree with the sentiments
No dude, I swear that was a Lambo.
Insurance fraud can mean someone drove it into a lake on purpose and got caught. I’ll pass.
Even his fake time slip won’t beat my buddy’s mustang that does 8's on street tires and has a special prototype supercharger built into the intake manifold. It makes 800 hp at the rear wheels and eats JDM’s for breakfast!! We get in fights after street races all the time and I have to beat up 10 or 20 guys using the…
“....get struck by lightning while involved in an orgy with Sasquatch, a leprechaun, and some sexy unicorn you met at the DMV...”
Dude, I’m willing to pay you for a ride to space, just send me your bank info and I’ll wire you the money from my Nigerian account.
What precisely was misleading about the headline? Further, what's with everyone's obsession with Deadspin becoming Yahoo Sports, Bleacher Report, etc?
Is Deadspin turning into Yahoo sports? Fluff pieces with misleadingly enticing headlines, essentially with the story turning out to be a 'where are there now'. In this case, a former player just working an honest job to keep him self busy and occupied.