
Our honeymoon was a brief road trip around New England, paid for by the cash we got from relatives at the wedding. We were only 18 when we got married. Sex every day, multiple times a day, in every place that it was feasible to do it. Married for 8 years.

When I came out to my mom in 8th grade as bi, she said “well, you’ll never be happy then.” She seriously thought that being bisexual meant that I would just sleep with EVERYBODY and thus, never be able to be in a monogamous relationship. Her views have evolved over the years (thankfully) and she is otherwise really

My husband and I had this fight every single day until I decided to shave my head. Now it's at pixie length and I'm planning on growing back my long luxurious locks again. I dread this conversation.

I loved this show growing up, as well as The Cosby Show. For a white girl growing up in very rural New Hampshire, these shows provided me exposure to diversity that I rarely saw I real life. In a town of 3,000 people, only two citizens were black, and they were siblings who had been adopted by white parents. Aside

I actually had this exact conversation with my students last week (not telling them that they don’t know shit, but about this attitude). Here’s the thing. We probably all know what it feels like to be 17, but we may not remember it objectively, and we sure as hell don’t know what it’s like to be 17 in 2015. That is a

I used to manage a retail store that was part of a regional chain. I was a young and new manager, and the company owner requested face time with me to discuss sales goals. Every fine he’d see me, he’d kiss me on the top of the head. Once, he told me that I reminded him of his daughter. Right before I quit, he got

The worst place I ever got sick was probably the best place you could ever get sick. When I was earning my MFA, all of the students would have to go on a residency to a 5 star hotel. It was a one week stay at this really nice hotel in the mountains. There was only one store within a20 minute drive. Someone came one

Add to the list, don’t fake a pregnancy. Every year I see used tests on craigslist and the like. Ew.

I read "amazing race std" as an entirely different thing.

If that was true than I wouldn't have spent half my time working at Forever 21 pulling items off the floor that the company was being sued over.

see, I was getting a Walt Disney vibe.

I once attended a wedding where the SIL of the bride wore a white dress...and she made it be known (very loudly) that she was NOT a virgin.

Ugh, I really hate my state sometimes. The good(ish) thing is that since we have one of the largest legislative bodies in the entire WORLD, we have a fair share of sane people to balance out the complete wackos.

If I combine the flower crown and moss-covered looks, will I just turn into an ethereal nymph?

Here are my thoughts.

True. Afterwards, I thought back to when I went to a hockey training camp as a kid, and they have this light thingy to help train goalies. Essentially, it is a wall of tiny light-up buttons, and one will light up, and you have to hit it (think electronic whack-a-mole). It is supposed to simulate pucks flying at you.

I thought I did too...but maybe Daryl wasn't concerned by hearing a walker (just one) because he's Daryl, but still...the signs were all there.

Love this piece. I don't expect Mad Men to have a happy ending, but I do expect Sally to turn out alright when all is said and done. She's resilient and very aware of her surroundings and their shortcomings. She's the hope.

This! AND, like...there was a close-up of the handle on the truck, as if Daryl looked at it for a bit longer than he otherwise would have. I was screaming at my television "IT'S A TRAP!"

that's what bridal purses were invented for!