
Addy’s books were actually kind of rough. They trod a fine line between not terrifying children and not sugar coating the experiences of black Americans in the mid 19th century. I’m sure they didn’t do little me any harm but tonally, I would say they are much darker than the other American Girl books.

I read all the books as a kid (late-80s, early-90s so first-gen American Girls) and I kind of retroactively respect them for attempting to bring some intense and unpleasant history down to a little girl level. I don’t have kids today so I have no idea what the brand is like now, but when I was a nerdy little girl I

When I was a kid, I had the Addy doll. Hers was the only story of all of them that interested me, to be honest.

YES! That is actually the first image that always come to mind when I hear about the American Girl series, and I originally read those books about 20 years ago.

I never had an AG doll as a kid, but I had a lot of the books. The scene in which Addy is forced to eat a handful of tobacco bugs by an overseer because she is working too slowly or something gave me nightmares for months.


I think Rihanna blue-balling Drake might be my sexual orientation...

I think that’s why they tried to backpedal and recently said she could work with a different Sony producer. But yes, it looks awful for them.

Exactly. If (beyond those very few extenuating circumstances you mention) you cannot make the commitment to live in places that allow your pet, buy the medications your pet needs to be healthy, and keep your pet for the rest of its life... don’t fucking get one. It breaks my heart to see ads on Craigslist every day

Ever since Sol Angel and the Hadley st dreams, her debut on Geffen records Solange has been the superior knowles sister musically. But I mean

I would watch the ever-loving fuck out of Snatch Game as a spin off show. I am still bitter that Trixie Mattel didn’t get to do SG last season, I think she would have killed it.

Our President is totally hotter.

Dude, the ad game in SI’s Swimsuit issue is KILLING IT. Here’s another amazing one I found in it today

It makes me want to go out and buy Snickers just to reward them for an ad this good.

Misplaced belly button!

He's the bipolar kid who is getting his MFA at your college who asks too many questions in class, has weird final submissions, and also makes you worry about your safety.

Or, he’s just an spoiled, entitled asshole.

I think PMK’s machine is working overtime to get them ready for a break from Kanye. It won't happen immediately because they have to look like they tried to save him, but mental breakdown isn't good for the brand long-term.

He's being given the Kardashian Retreat Treatment (KRT, trademarked). Step 1: Find vunerable black man. Step 2: Drive him mad or towards drugs. Step 3: Watch implosion and act like concerned wife/concubine/underage sidepiece.

Kanye West has always been eccentric- to say the least- but the past week makes me genuinely wonder if he’s having a serious breakdown of some sort.