eatin' burritos

My, aren’t we easily impressed these days? RWD and a stick and suddenly it’s a BMW.

This is nothing more than an appearance and suspension package on a decade old model. So it’s pretty much exactly the thing you deride.

Or spend $1,600 getting the brakes done on their Honda Fit.

I find it really difficult to listen to financial advice from someone who doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Also with extremely low interest rates on some CPO cars and new cars, the ones who have low depreciation rates will cost you similar/less in the long run versus just paying out of pocket.

You’ve never actually watched an IMSA race, have you? This is like Stef Schrader-Liz werth levels of embarrassing.

US automakers are focusing their efforts on countries that want to buy these kinds of products, such as China. We dug our own hole on this one.

Just buy the fucking thing. The reason why they’re killing off manuals, is because “no one” is buying them. If demand stayed high enough, then this wouldn’t be a problem. 

The pricing doesn’t really matter when it comes to BMW, the majority of their cars are leased not purchased retail, especially when it comes to lower end 3 series models. The models that tend to get purchased outright are the higher end models like M3's and M4's where the leases aren’t heavily subsidized.

Stef seems to have missed the part where the kid goes to college in the middle of nowhere.

That’s a pretty specific anecdote upon which to hoist your petard, but if I’m car shopping, I want to know if the seller is going to be negotiable or not. Remember that you’re just as much an asshole if somebody finds something uncouth with the sale and you refuse to budge on it. Don’t tell me that you haven’t

I’d imagine you’d probably try to sell a classic Mini via forum rather than Craigslist, yeah?

What a ridiculous review. You are so offended by every little thing, how do you possibly make it through your day?

You do deserve to be kept in the gray.