
Whoever wrote that will likely rape and kill someone sometime in their life once the pleasure they get from stalking wears off.

WOMEN DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS just because you’re a gay guy (and therefore not threatening or something????) at a women’s site.

She clearly distinguishes between items that don’t bring joy and items that serve a purpose. Her idea is items have to serve a specific pupose (not ‘I might need it some day’) or make you happy. Only if it does neither of them, it should be thrown out. I don’t like mowing the lawn, but I won’t throw out my lawnmower

Oh, there is no doubt that I get a certain amount of satisfaction from having good, durable tools that are aesthetically pleasing. I would just never go as far as calling that feeling “joy.”

It makes me pretty irritated to see so many people here on Jez rip into an enterprising young woman for being enterprising. I’ve concluded that people have an irrational hatred of the youths, particularly young women.

I work with bloggers and influencers with my job regularly and completely agree. We’ve gotten a lot of silly/entitled requests from bloggers, and sure we’ll make fun of the person behind their back probably but it’s really easy to just politely or sternly say no thanks. These hotel owners just kinda seem like they

87,000 isn’t exactly a “Few” and there’s nothing wrong with being a startup. It’s no different from some reviewer from a local rag selling 10k copies trying to review a restaurant. They’re people trying to build their brand and working a deal. Her email is entirely professional and she presents a valid, if