
Did someone mention the violence depicted in games is not, in fact, actual violence? Maybe that there is a material difference between the two?

I couldn’t agree more. It really stands up to repeated playthroughs, especially when changing difficulty settings. It’s almost a different game when you switch to “I Am Death Incarnate” or “Uber”. It’s basically Inglorious Basterds: The Game with a little Man in the High Castle thrown in for effect.

Hiding the drugs in the cases is an often-used method of trading for money in a way that both people don’t have to be at the same place at the same time. Usually, a complicit employee watches the other customers. It was the same with VHS and cassette tapes in the 80s.

Well, that’s good. So long as it’s “not negative” as determined by militant religious murders, then it’s fine. It is indeed up to these people to define the righteousness of an apparent afront to their beliefs. Guess wrong and they feel justified to murder innocent people.

With FTL and Hearthstone on the ipad, the idea of getting out of bed does not bode well.

Exactly this article. These are the major reasons I love Dishonored and hate/fail at Metal Gear.