@MadCow234: Your examples are of one product having one issue, not one product having 398475039275490237 issues.
@MadCow234: Your examples are of one product having one issue, not one product having 398475039275490237 issues.
@Jeremy: Check some of the apple boards. Iphone news is big news so any little thing that happens and these tech sites regurgitate it immediately.
@NaraVara: Few defects is expected. Key word :Few.
Holy crap that's a lot of different issues. And I thought the Nexus was bad when it launched.
@FriarNurgle: You either don't have a griflriend, or have an awesome girlfriend. My girlfriend can't sigh any louder when I'm taking too long in an electronic store.
@flyairmark: Her phone probably doesn't drop his booty-calls.
@Jeremy: Before the large scale media jumped on it, message boards were going crazy with this from user's experiencing the problem.
@jamjen: ugh, I knew I should have put a disclaimer. I meant non-rooted. You can run Windows 3.11 on a rooted android phone, but I'm talking about official support. Nexus One will always get the updates first.
@NessaCadpat: I came from a g1, so yes a physical. Then I got a nexus one. Yes the keyboard does suck, but not that much more then the iphone (I have more issues typing on the iphone, but that could be because of the smaller/squarer screen). I've been using the swype keyboard for a couple of weeks and it's better…
Are you that much of a princess that you don't want your phone to drop 3 inches? How is this worthy of a post?
@NessaCadpat: I won't agree that the iphone keyboard is the best. I tried my buddies, brothers, and girlfriends iphones and it's horrible. Missed keys and types wrong letters, but it may be something i just have to get used to. It also may be because the iphone screen is smaller then what I'm used to.
@heltoupee: Hey now the Nexus is still up there in specs! And we get have the latest version of android. Any other androids have 2.2? Nope.
Another article about regurgitated garbage. I'm losing faith in Gizmodo to do any real reporting.
@m57: It's from the Android OS(marketplace). Apps are designed in a sandbox. They can only access what they ask for, and nothing else. When you download an app it will tell you right then and there what the app wants access to. The developer has no control over this message.
@Piledriver: Most people pick "just one". How many people out there do you know are buying multiple phones? I think it's completely fair to compare android and iphone 1 for 1, regardless if Android has 30 choices of different phones. You're still picking ONE android phone, or ONE iphone.
@TheSonOfKrypton: Steve Jobs does not approve of boners. "If you want boners, get an android."
@slb14: You saved me a lot of reading. Thanks!
@neoflux: Gizmodo got their review unit months ago. lol.
@sudosudont: Only thing the new iphone has over my Nexus One is a front facing cam and better display. Not knocking the iphone, it's a badass phone, but it isn't that much different then anything else already out there.
@vein11: I use Amazon and like it much more than itunes.