
Uh, never. I’m fat and therefore undesirable.

I’m surprised how often my order is correct. I usually order a double cheeseburger meal. It’s not on the menu. Normally they get it right, maybe because it’s not on the menu. But I have gotten total mystification from the order-taker, so that I had to order each piece separately, and one time I got a completely

I’m concerned about how the truck doesn’t look like it’s jacked up at all and he’s starting to take the wheel off. Let’s hope he was just posing.

I heart Britt Robertson!


I knew it was dire when I saw a Coachella fashion banner on the home page of Amazon.

It looks like they are normal shorts that got shifted up a few inches.

My junior and senior year in high school, we had a teacher who was only 5 years older than us. EVERY girl in the school was in love with him. He was cute, funny, smart, and a fun teacher. He invited students over to his house sometimes (innocently, in large groups). I did lots of embarrassing stuff around him. One

When I had a high school job, my dad always picked me up and dropped me off at work because I didn’t have a driver’s license. We didn’t have cell phones in those days, so I always just called the house. Well, even though we didn’t have cell phones, we had dial-up internet, and my mom was friggin’ on it 24 hours a day

Haha! I loved him! Remember “Liquid Dreams”? Body like J-Lo, smile like Janet Jackson, something something. Remember the band, also from MTV, called 2ge+her? I think that was supposed to be a parody though.

The corner of the mouth thing is probably angular chelitis. You put athlete's foot cream on it and it clears it right up. I learned that from my doctor. It's apparently very common.

Great to know! Yeah, I am not excited at all to see a dietician, if only because I’ve seen them before and they don’t get my issues. But hopefully ones in this realm would understand.

I love them because I don’t have to hold a book open. It gets so uncomfortable and you can’t really have many different positions.

Thank you for this comment. I do tend to forget about other people struggling with similar issues. I think that that will help me act further.

She has worked with me and we have even picked out a place. What made me nervous is that she said they might have me stop seeing her for a while because they have their own therapist. I don’t want to stop seeing her. Maybe I’ll ask her about that next time. She also said it wasn’t her favorite place, but she said it

Cool! I’ll check it out. Thanks!

That makes sense. I’ll think about that and give it a try.

Thank you. That eases some of my worry. I do think it would be nice to know others in my situation, especially if they were diabetic like I am. I’m guessing that staff probably know what to do and not to do, but still, I just have major fears, which I’m sure is also normal.

Does anyone here suffer from Binge Eating Disorder? A couple of months ago I found out that I suffer from that and I haven’t done anything about it. It’s driving me fucking insane, though. I have a therapist but for some reason I just haven’t gotten help from a dedicated eating disorder program like she wants me to. I

JFC. I knew today was a bad day when I put on hairspray that I thought was detangler.