
Why does everything always have to have a hidden meaning? They probably just had caps lock on, and maybe the Seinfeld guy talks like him, and maybe the interesting guy is interesting.

I feel like it's the opposite, sort of. I thought it was harder for women to lose weight, anyway. Maybe maintaining is different.

Yesterday there was a theft in the gas station where I was getting a snack, and I got the license plate/car color for the police. I was so proud of myself. I then looked on Twitter to see if anyone tweeted about it. But they didn't.

Ahh, body in motion is how I like Ryan Gosling. He's like a completely different being.

I got Black Corn and then Amethyst Pansy. LOLing at both.

I had a pair of sparkly gold jellies with a bow. I always wore them with a Minnesota Twins shirt that had sparkly gold in it and red shorts. Stylin'.

I think we should continue to bombard every instance of this with comments about it so that it'll eventually become taboo. I hope.

I wouldn't really say it's normal. And I think maybe it was weirder for MJ because he was a man.

I love it when people say Downtown Abbey. It will never get old.

This article alone brings me near tears. I don't even want to look at the actual article.

I don't even remotely know how much a guy is supposed to weigh. Is it more or less than a girl of the same height?

Uh, sorry, but if I ever get married, I'm wearing whatever the fuck I want all day, every day.

I thought that was Marcia Gay Harden. Ugh.

I have two quite different sized breasts, which really bothers me. I think one is probably an E or so and the other is a D or DD. I compromise with a DDD nowadays.

I don't know if anyone's mentioned this, because I don't want to read through 1500 replies, but you can get kinds that you can cross the straps in the back. I had one once that I liked for that fact. Usually they have removable straps and you can use them in a few different ways - crossed, normal, one strap, no strap,…

Probably not a bad idea!

I resisted it because of that, too. Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad. I like certain bad things in movies though, because it makes the movie more realistic. I like when stuff is sad because then I don't have to resent it for being better than my life.

Blue Valentine, creator of the creepiest of creepy Ryan looks.

Wasn't it cancelled?