
Til hamingju!

Never mind.

I'M GOING THERE IN AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been learning Icelandic for probably ten years now and...am not ready to use it. Well, I have 4 months.

Yeah, "can't put a finger on why" is a good way to describe it. I feel bad for being annoyed, especially because I don't really have a reason.

I wonder what you guys think of this. I don't know if I'm a psychopath or not. I've been growing very weary of all the images of "NY <3s Boston" and "Afghanistan is praying for Boston" and "Runners praying for Boston", etc. I saw this word-image last night that was the most saccharine statement like "Yesterday, we ran

I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't do that. But after a while I felt like people were going to think I was against it, though I certainly wasn't going to cave then. Nobody said anything, but then people started posting that map of the concentration of red profile photos with "Way to go Austin!" "Great job

Does it really matter? I doubt that she thought it through to this extent. Only the internet can find it weird that she only included the children.

I've had similar conversations with my therapist. I have really bad issues with body image. She's told me a lot of times that it's just my perception. She even says sometimes that part of it might actually be physical problems with my eyes (I have strabismus and can't see in 3D). She also has me say out loud what I

Oh, thank you. I thought I was nuts for a second.

I must have an underdeveloped brain, because half the time I read an article on here and go, "Yeah, that makes sense." Then I read the comments and go, "Yeah, that makes sense." I can't ever form my own opinions!

Yeah, I did and I used the refund to buy a fucking TICKET TO ICELAND!

All I can hear when I see her face is "Sophiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuhhhhhh" repeated over and over in a nasally voice.

Gah....posted in wrong place

Celexa, Wellbutrin, Trazodone, Metformin, Insulin, iron supplements, multivitamins, and Vitamin D. Yep.

It just annoys me that she's all "My life has been so terrible" when she knowingly did it to herself. I have no sympathy.

That's the worst friggin' handwriting I've ever seen! That looks so bad. And like it was written with a Bic pen. OMG. OMGOMGOMG

Also, in the first sentence, Funicello has a zero instead of an o.

Agreed. "What a big responsibility!" like she's a toddler that just got a puppy.

Can we just talk about how you can't just get married at whatever age you want?! It's not like you can go out, find a husband at some certain age, and then get married. I hate how so many people just tell you to get married as if it's as easy as getting groceries. Don't you think I would be married if I could? This is

Me five. For shame!