I can't even continue reading after the word "plain" is used instead of "plane". I don't think anyone here reads anything.
I can't even continue reading after the word "plain" is used instead of "plane". I don't think anyone here reads anything.
It must be in the center of Times Square or something with exorbitant rent, and it must be huge, because they don't wait long to put them to lien. 3 months on the average!
What did it say, if you remember?
Not Icelandic, though I saw a couple words that could be.
That Jersey Shore photo: what the hell did those people do to themselves? They look inhuman!
I'm an Aquarius woman and I'll tell you what's up! Not much, how are you?
No way. I just can't even imagine why anyone would think that was okay even to steal lip gloss or candy, and also that it's okay/common enough to talk about openly in an article like it's an everyday occurrence. I have thought about how nice it would be to not pay for food or something when I had $0 to my name, but I…
I once had my period for 3 months. THREE MONTHS. I think I commented about this before, but it was an extremely heavy flow too, like one super plus tampon every couple hours. It was horrifying and I don't know how I lived through that much blood loss. (It was PCOS)
I'd think a lot of people talk about stuff like that with their friends. Family - different story.
Thank you...I thought that was ridiculous! I assume and know that 100% of my friends have not! How is it all of a sudden so common to shoplift? How horrifying.
What the hell! I've never shoplifted! What kind of people do you know?!
I also wondered if there are similar laws for medical information - at my job we had this huge long training because we were getting some kind of medical group as a client and it was like, if you so much as remember someone's name outside of work you'll get fired.
I was just commenting flippantly and like an old person. You're right. I didn't even realize it was Lily Allen.
Yeah, I get ya.
You're probably right!
I didn't realize it was Lily Allen. I thought it was that one girl from Modern Family (The other one not in custody battles)
Eh, it doesn't. I was just being crochety for no reason.
Am I supposed to be annoyed by a teenager/early 20-er texting during a very good movie based on a very good book she probably hasn't even heard of? Because I am.
Right. Right!!
Funnily, this was from the UK (But I get ya).