
Maybe not end the series like that but don't forget theres gonna be a big crossover ep with the legends of tomorrow at some point.

they even had a friggin rocket launcher that could have taken out negans convoy from a mile away…..

As for making a rule against discussing politics……sounds like communist Russia to me.

Liberals never use the words safe space, only right wingers like to brandish that when they feel threatened in their own safe spaces.

Apart from the fact the zeds should have rotted into pools of slime months ago.

The way he takes 3 minutes to say something a normal person would utter in 20 seconds for starters……..

Damn it must be a tough life being an actor……….

Hexenphobic? so does that mean Wu is now Trans-Lupine?

Will the rapid ageing thing matter when black claw is all about vessen coming out their closets and making humans their slaves anyway?

Think as soon as she hears Diane is back all caution will go out the window.

Anybody else think its interesting that "Eve" threatened Adalinde regarding if she ever hurts Nick? Seems she isn't so cold and detached as she professed to be at the start of the season. Looks like there is quite a bit of Juliette left in her after all…….