
You know how late '90s/early '00s skeezebros in bucket hats and cornrows would say something really shitty and designed to hurt people and then be all like WHA-EVA MAYNE I'M JUST BEIN HONEST? That's pretty much exactly the same as the smug, tone-deaf attitude that Internet Anti-Theists™ the world over have adopted. A

This is super sad.

There are also a lot of Germans who like to replicate the traditions of various American Indian tribes, usually based on meticulous but outdated and somewhat inaccurate guides. I honestly have no idea why there's such a profound fascination with pre-industrial indigenous cultures on another continent that so many

I'm surprised (but probably shouldn't be) at the unanimity here. I'm also sure my disagreement will end up in the gray wasteland. Still. Mark, your argument is fundamentally flawed and you and the readers here should know better.

His response sounds palpably bitchy to me.

Well, that didn't take much, did it? You are every celebrity PR person's ideal audience member — image completely reshaped by a few tweets. (applause)

I have a friend who was falsely accused of rape. The situation worked itself out (there was no way he possibly could have done it, I am unclear if she WAS raped and blamed him, or made it all up. Either way, she was genuinely traumatized, and I have sympathy for her, whatever happened to her), and in the 15 years I

Even Steve Jobs had the grace to take a picture for people who didn't recognize him.

The thing about not flushing toilet paper isn't that unusual overseas. I work with a girl who was born and raised mostly in Turkey and she said they put it in a bag next to the toilet..something to do with the pipes

Did HE own slaves?

Nope! He's not. He can if he wants to, sure. But his ancestors' actions have literally nothing to do with his. An apology from him would be meaningless. Why should we care if Cumberbatch feels especially bad about his family's slave-owning? What does that actually mean, if he didn't own the slaves? He doesn't have the

The real test of the legitimacy of this is to flip it backwards logically. I come from a long line of French Canadian Mennonites and I have a family tree traced back to the 1500s on one side (thank you, bibles!) and to the early 1800s on the other. I'm reasonably certain none of my direct ancestors owned slaves

He needs to apologize to every black person, for his family's past. I suggest he start with me and come to San Francisco and make mad passionate love to me. Then all will be forgiven.

she really needs to stop doing interviews because as a person, she's awkward as fuck + it makes people think she's guilty even though she's not

As an ethnic looking ethnic person, I cosign this comment. Kate Bosworth is stunning. Why is she being personally attacked for her looks? The mean-spiritedness seriously undermines the commentary you are trying to make.

But she's not skinny so it's okay for her to be famous because only skinny girls can be boring and vanilla. (/sarcasm)

So, you're furious at a model for modelling, because at the time you first heard of her, she was acting instead?

LC is known for more, but she'll always have the taint of reality TV around her celebrity. Kate has only movies (and a famous engagement) under her fame belt, and will be able to occupy the rung on the magazine hierarchy directly above LC for that reason alone.

Dear Jezebel,

She's Lauren Conrad for people who are too upscale to like Lauren Conrad.