
I’d rather have United Airlines beat you up, too.

And what is so hard with it? Server just getting some inputs from some IP in the world. It don’t give a shit if the command forward is from the mouse, keyboard, dualshock or xbox pad. Or any other fighting stick or wheel. The game can handle the controller, server have nothing more to say. End of story.

“Is Aronofsky trying to say that god is evil? Is he using the bible’s rough outline to make a point about our treatment of the world, with the consent of a seemingly narcissistic, ego driven lord? Is he saying that being bad is more fun then being good?”

With the A.V. Club’s luck it will be Univision, and Rolling Stone will be dragged into this sprawling THX-1138 prison of white on white.

Ahh, like the Ricky Rouse and Monald Muck pop up bar in Orlando.

The ending became lack luster because they cut out all religious references. The strigoi came into existence because of a rebellious angel of death that was punished by being cut into different pieces and cast over the Earth. Each piece became a “master” with the last piece cut off, the mouth, forming the Master who

“So this is heaven, huh Monsoon? You’d think there would be less politicians.”

Another hot take: I don’t like Halloween, but I think Halloween 2 and H20 are fantastic. I also find 4 and 5 to be solid but unspectacular slashers. The original I just find to be a bit dull though. I recognize its importance to the genre, but I’m not really a fan.

Hillary Clinton is exactly like Cersei Lannister, in that both of them blame their failures on everyone else.

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

I entered in three different names and six-digit numbers that I made up on the spot in to the TrustedID site and it told me that all of them were compromised and that I should enroll. I’m not sure that it’s a valid resource.

It runs on smugness and narcissism.

You also have to give her credit for gumption and resilience after her dad’s assassination in 1963. She was just a kid.

On the downside, should Abrams take the job, it does mean that Kennedy has once again whiffed on bringing a woman and/or person of color on board to direct a Star Wars movie.

Everyone knows married women don’t do that

I actually wholeheartedly agree- it was always painful listening to Kanell’s dumb ass but drives before/after midday meetings I’d force myself to. When Russillo, who I’ve never heard of before this radio show, started going into his own feats of athleticism I’d turn the radio off instantly. You talk about sports dude,

James Deens’s Erection Meets Dracula’s Daughter.

I came here for photos of people without pants.

“I’ve always hated snakes, and I always will. I could never forgive them for the death of my boy.”

Fixed it for you.