
Basically, it was a network created after Showtime refused to renew with Paramount, MGM and Lionsgate back when CBS’ Showtime and Viacom’s Paramount split.  Now with Showtime being flat out owned by Paramount, the movies after 2023 will be on Showtime for linear channel pay tv.

Might as well call Showtime Paramount Plus TV once the Epix contract is over. MGM would be the only studio left for new movies with Paramount going to Showtime for the post P+ window and Lionsgate now at Starz.

They still play older movies from the studios, though, as well as older movies from Disney/Fox and Sony.

Lucky for them, Epix’s contract ends with Paramount soon.  Post 2023 movies will mostly likely hit Showtime since Paramount owns them now.  None of this would happen if Viacom and CBS split in the first place leading to the creation of Epix since Showtime didn’t want to renew with them, MGM and Lionsgate and focus

Nice to see HBO play older Sony movies for the first time in over a decade.  A lot from the previous exclusive deals with Starz and the TriStar/Classics 90s movies that Showtime played will be premieres.

It’s like the end of Monster A Go Go.

It’s just a mask, covidiots should just relax.

Screw the sequel.  No Weaving but lots of Bella “the new Kartrashian” Thorne?  I’ll pass.

It’s like comparing mainstream pop music to Pitchfork friendly indie music.  One is style and one is quieter and yet both suck.

Weird news story of 2020 #3249856324978562 that I didn’t have on my bingo card.  Mariah is putting The Onion out of business.

Wouldn’t count it out since they were both on Sony.

Sounds to me like you’re a hipster bootlicker.

He makes boring hipster music for Pitchfork bootlickers.  Is anyone really surpried?

Boo hoo you whiny hipster Pitchfork bootlicking twat. Take your boring music elsewhere. You and your ilk are just as much to blame for ruining rock and alternative as the Bizkit buttrock clones.

I wouldn’t say it’s the only album.  First two SOAD albums were a cut above the fuckboy bullshit of Bizkit.

James Hetfield: I am the table!

Trump loves to bang porn stars and blame everyone but himself.

While Trump eats Spam.

Four for you Glen Coco.  Well played.

Trump taliban needs stick to Nugent and Kid Suck. They’re worse than Westboro and they’re exactly what Kurt Cobain was talking about in the chorus of In Bloom. I’m indie and anti Trump and I still listen to republicans of bands like Ramones, Aerosmith, Pantera, Beach Boys and Megadeth yet they’re the snowflakes who

Lot of those movies leaving will end up on Cinemax.