Captain DC

Interesting stuff. But I wish he would have left out the Iron Man part. BOTH Batman and Iron Man design their own weapons and armor. Just because Morgan Freeman helped Bruce Wayne out a lot in three movies, doesn't mean that the comic book or Batfleck version of Batman, isn't smart enough or rich enough, to build

That was F-ing AMAZING!

The Flash is definitely the best comic book show, Netflix included! DC's Legends of Tomorrow, looks outstanding!

I'm sure that Patty Jenkins will do an excellent job with the solo film. I can't wait to see Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman. The Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince sex scene, will be AWESOME!

Sammi has terrible aim. Fiona should start caring less about the boring drama king, Sean. And more about her trainwreck of a family. Maybe she'll get some help from Frank. LOL

Yeah, reclaim. After several months. Kev needed to make the first move. And get his lonely and horny wife back. I'd consider humping her on a pool table, reclaiming his wife.

Yep, you're right. Fiona didn't check him into the prison, obviously. I guess the military could legally just let a mentally unstable guy go off with his equally unstable mother. They probably wouldn't give a crap.

It sure took long enough, but it was great to see Kev reclaim his wife, by FINALLY tapping that sweet @$$. As soon as they walked into their flooded bar with the water sprinkling. I knew Kev and V were gonna end up having sex, and making up.