Would it even be news if it were a Bills game?
Would it even be news if it were a Bills game?
or let Ridley die.
It’s a tragedy that Petyon Manning’s throwing arm didn’t live to see this day.
Stop wasting perfectly good apples you fucker!
I don’t know if he’ll hate it as he’s not likely to even know there was a game on Thursday Night.
He’s probably like a pokemon, if he want to learn a new play he has to forget one of these four.
I think the Walking Dead people are less likely to have answers about Westworld.
No Hekks given.
They’re the personification of the term “adorkable”.
Don’t even especially need a “new” one, just slap a coat of HD Remake across 3, or just freaking port the thing to some kind of modern device so I can play it today.
I can’t begin to imagine how awesome the Shield would be with Switch-like controllers. The Ipega’s alright for fuckin’ about, but it’s crying out for a proper quality clamp/clip on controller.
Probably not his head....
I can’t wait to see these two blokes settle this in the ring.
Man, Conan must be disappointed.
Guh.... Must have...
What outcome is she(are they) hoping for?
Turns out clicking a thumbstick is a pretty garbage input method.
The article is fantastic, very well written and engaging. I’m confused though, as despite how incredibly positive you are about how good the game is, it sounds like an ill fitting hodge-podge of half ideas and a highly buggy mess with massive flaws in most if not all of the key aspects that make or break RPGs. Barring…
Aye, that demo was dreadful.
In my head canon GregSamsa cut her while screaming “you just spent the last hour and half listening to what happened, you dumb arsehole!”