
Surpised no one has sent out a million Meowth’s called “GrabHerByThe”

“Wait, shit, I actually have to do stuff?”

I’d assume at some level there are volleyball players that are much better at knuckleballs than most? As for the football one, you could argue that the only real “master” of the technique was Juninho. For the lesser mortals, to get a reasonabale knuckleball isn’t *that* mysterious, you just kick the valve.

This game is going to be terrible, isn’t it?

Just patch the ps4 and/or android versions with mappable controls. I’ll deal with the graphics but the controls are terrible by modern standards.

You can follow Stryder7x’s continued attempts to nail Peach%

This is probablythe best thing to happen to FM in years. Really going to make UK saves interesting.

Pokemon is designed for kids too(albeit lately they include more and more advanced mechanics for competitive play), doesn’t matter long as it’s entertaining.

I’ll call him Jim, fuck all ya’ll.

Geez, actually looks like it could have been excellent.

Just polishing up like this would probably make for a beter remake than the one we’ll likely get.

I’d find it quite funny if the blokes playing with female avatars, when asked for nuuudddzzz, would proceed to send them loads of dick pics.

Grimer is so freaking happy, too!

Fairly sure his father was a piece of English styrofoam.

What the fuck does Tiger Woods have to do with golf(any more)?

Pretty unusual to see someone attempting to take the moral highground withe the opening line “hey assholes”.

Had a job that averaged at that in normal circumstances, but when busy pushed 90 hours a week and in extreme cases 105-110 hours.

“the downfall of male Bunnery” What the actual fuck?

Hmm, ref misses handball on free kick he shouldn’t have given. Peak Clattenburg.

We’ve given up expecting that from him now.