
This is eminently re-watchable, although my favorite episodes are the one with Steve Guttenberg and Jackal Onassis Backstage Party, where we learn Roman can never not be Roman.

Hello, fellow person who is probably in the early to mid to late 40s.

Sabrina was pretty mean the first time she showed up on screen.

This feels like a good place to share my deep and abiding love for Todd Louiso, who I first encountered on a sitcom called Phenom, which I believe me and three other people watched. Outstanding comic timing. I love him.

I pay for music, always have, always will. There is always something to discover in music, whether it's old or new. My mom always kept listening to new-to-her music, which is why she will always be the cool mom to all my friends. My sister and I do the same. Good music is good music.

I'm a child of the 80s, and who you listened to determined your social status in a way that it just doesn't anymore. I was bullied by kids who didn't like my taste in music! That just didn't happen to my millennial children.

How much time do you give her to read it?

I couldn't remember what show it was, but I knew all the words to it. But the show title comes early in that theme song, so I couldn't sing my way to the title!

I used to do a lot of theater, and I played some Jewish characters, parts that were explicitly written for women of color, and a whole lot of men, because I have a deep voice and, according to one director "a masculine energy". (I'm pretty damn Irish)

I haven't read the comments yet, but I assume they are all about the awesomeness of Winston's Morgan Freeman imitation.

Carrie Coon was so excellent in Gone Girl, looking forward to seeing her in this.

I always appreciated the throwaway line in the closing credits where a high school student, trying to place vampires into a world in which they can't exist, supposes they might be Young Republicans.

I could not agree with this more.

I have a soft spot for "Earshot", which also reminds me that I have a soft spot for "Superstar".

He's not Ross from Friends, so not entirely the worst.

My daughters and I met Nick Brendon at a convention years and years and years ago, and he was so delightful to my children that I will always feel warmly towards him.

Xander's dream hit me hard, I had an abusive parent, and I felt that cold sickness in my stomach at the pounding door, knowing it wasn't a supernatural monster, but the normal human variety monster.

Yes! I liked Anya and I was in a distinct minority, at least at first.

I had to send kudos to Andy Bobrow for that.

Vincent Kartheiser. I think the criticisms of the character are legitimate - Connor was annoying and difficult - but I so felt where he was coming from.