
I have a hard time with podcasts because my car time is my singing time, not my listening time.

She is a musical genius.

I like it except I have to avert my eyes when Guy Fieri is eating because his mouth gives me vagina dentata vibes, and I'm a woman.

I got my husband and stepsons to watch and love it.

I am with you on The Dead Milkmen, The Residents, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, Repo Man.

Sitcoms, in general. Whenever I have a friend who is looking for a show to bingewatch, I hopefully suggest Better Off Ted, The Good Place, The IT Crowd…and everyone ends up watching Transparent or Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones.

Where is Romy & Michele's High School Reunion?

Should I change my username to Nobody?

One more: after nine months of hyperemesis, the hospital where I gave birth to my older daughter brought me a cold chicken sandwich on soggy whole wheat bread, red jello, and a floppy salad. After nine months of puking up everything I put down, it was a meal worthy of at least one Michelin star.

Three come to mind immediately:

My younger kid just ate off our plates - and has an expansive palate. My older one was a chicken nuggets kid, but now has an expansive palate after working in the restaurant biz for a few years - and her kids eat whatever she puts in front of them!

He's touring now.

Ben Folds, in both the Five and on his own. I see him almost every time he comes around, the shows are always great, fun and different.

Nothing for Elizabeth Moss? I'm shocked.

Even if he voted for Clinton, he otherwise almost always ends up being the reasonable conservative who stands up for the Republicans as they codify the financial barriers that keep people from achieving income mobility.

Everyone's assuming his high school educated friend is poor - but he's harping on her lack of knowledge as holding her back from breaching cultural barriers, not her financial resources. And my point stands - Brooks supports a political party that wants to make it harder and more expensive for people to get educated,

I mean, they play a part in enforcing cultural signifiers and barriers to other people, but let's place the blame where it lies, in the hands of our very own American oligarchs.

If you live in southern New England/New York/New Jersey, there is nothing elitist about soppresetta, capicola, or pomodoro (i.e. tomato sauce). There are so many people of Italian heritage that I grew up in rural white world eastern CT and I had eaten and knew what all these things were by the time I was 7 years old.

He's not an ally, he's an apologist. He doesn't want poor people dying in the streets, but he's always going to vote for the guy who doesn't care if poor people are dying in the streets.

Not to mention the implied racism that Mexican food is for dumb folks, not culturedm educated people like David Brooks. His blame on snobbery (oft associated with liberals) is misguided, as it is the economic policies espoused by the party David Brooks supports that leads to increasing economic inequality.