
My lovely mother sent me a birthday card the week before the election that said for my birthday, she hoped and prayed that Trump would not get elected, and then, on the outside of the envelope, she wrote (as she always does, on every envelope that leaves her house) "Friends don't let friends vote Republican".

I finally watched it last night. I had to pause after the opener because I felt my November 8 pain all over again. I thought it was great. I have a few friends who were Trump supporters, and I can't even talk to them about - I'm very fond of all of them, and I don't want to hate them. Bow's storyline resonated with

She was also lovely in Flowers, which is available on Seeso.

She is my second favorite part of Black-ish, after the DIVINE Jennifer Lewis, who is my favorite scene stealer on the show.

Sad, but true.

I guess I'm alone in really enjoying this. I guess it's canceled, so I'll only have the 13 episodes, but I really enjoyed it. Especially Mary Elizabeth Winsted.

My husband and I saw Stop Making Sense on the big screen this summer. I missed it the first time around. So worthwhile.

Oh, how I loved Mr. Show when it was on! I think comedians often make the best dramatic actors.

All That Jazz is one of my all-time favorites.

For me, the show is all about Bill Haverchuk.

Ditto on Bjork. I've always had a few of her songs in my collection (Human Behavior, It's Oh So Quiet), but I started digging in this year and it is incredibly rewarding.

I tried both Breaking Bad and The Wire this year, but I couldn't handle either one, emotionally. This year, for me personally, required comedy, not tragedy.

I'm not the one who won't go see a movie because the bad guys remind me of the political party I support, but, whatever. Keep on projecting, asshole.

And yet, he's already said that people who burn the American flag (a protected form of speech) should go to jail, and has threatened journalists who report truthful things that he doesn't like. He thinks voting rights should be restricted Like other Republicans, he ignores the 9th Amendment completely. I mean, I don't

But elections are run under state laws, and if you don't think states led by Republicans aren't working hard to suppress likely Democrat voters, you aren't paying attention.

He's threatened the first amendment several times now, for one.

I think it's only wise to be wary, since every appointee supports the opposite viewpoint of the department they are supposed to oversee. We're headed into a new Dark Ages.

Jabba the Trump

Well, as an anti-Trump-and-everything-and-everyone-associated-with-him person, I'm going to have to go see what will be only my second ever Star Wars movie. I never saw the original, but I've watched enough Robot Chicken to get the gist of it.

He's like the opposite of Ratzenberger, though, because Ratzenberger is always Ratzenberger, while Tudyk's voice is metamorphic.