
I will forever feel he was robbed by not even getting nominated as Best Supporting Actor for Walter Sobchak. ROBBED!

She has an interesting early catalog of work, including Marvel Anne in Psycho Beach Party, where she gets a dance number and also gets pantsed; and a sequel to Cruel Intentions where she makes out with another woman.

John Hawkes. I loved him in A Perfect Storm, Deadwood, that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer he was in for 3 minutes, Winter's Bone….I just love him.

Asking "why" implies a level of planning and follow through that don't appear to exist on Ryan Murphy shows. Difficult People had a great joke about it: American Horror Story 4 - We Thought It Through This time"

Not joking, my mother went a Catholic school called Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, which must be the most depressing name for a high school, ever.

My main qualm is the inherent impossibility of a place being good but also not having real ice cream. It can't be.

I sang this to the tune of "Hot Pockets"

So agree with The Family Stone - I was expecting a farcical Christmas, but instead, it was so dark and some of the characters were so horrible. But I love it, anyway.

Everyone I know is watching The Americans. This one, though, not so much.

My husband said, while watching this scene, that he always wanted to try a sensory deprivation tank. I did a little Googling and there are like 10 places within an hour's drive that will let you pay for the healing experience of a sensory deprivation tank for 90 minutes.

I'm partial to: "I'm sorry that NAMBLA doesn't have a 'Ones to watch' section in their
monthly newsletter that you could use as a press clipping."

His facial hair makes him sexier.

Anthony Jeselnik in his stand-up special "Thoughts and Prayers" was the first time I encountered this.

I am a devoted lover of the MIddleman, but when I was watching it when it was on TV, I could almost feel that no one else was watching it. I think Natalie Morales was perfect on The Grinder, because she was the *only* person completely immune to Dean.

I'm going to rematch both seasons (again) because who ever dresses Sharon has the most madcap sense of what goes together. It's like an elegant tasteful 6 year old being allowed to pick out their own clothes for the first time.

Yeah, PTV is not for me. The moderating at TWOP did get out of hand after a while, but at first, it made the site so much more tolerable for discussion and disagreement.

The message boards for My Name Was Earl had someone posting who was actually a writer for the show (I guess). He said he had just moved into an apartment with a Murphy Bed and he was worried it was going to close up on him in the middle of the night, and a month or so later, that storyline was on MYIE (where he died,

Back in the old days, it wasn't so easy to watch shows you missed when they were "broadcast" on the "air".

I won a messenger bag with a Tubey on it for writing a pitch for a make believe show starring David Boreanaz and Peter Krause as brothers and detectives (? maybe?). I threw a joke in there about how rectangular Krause's head was, I think that's why I won.

Jacob. Ugh.