Eartha Kittenheels

The thing though is that scientifically speaking Rowling is right. A transsexual person will never be the sex they want to be, that is until a time we can actually change a person genetic make up. Their genome will always be what they were born with. Now that does not mean they do not deserve respect or have their

“I want to be an asshole to anyone I want and not face the consequences.”

Get over the fact that other people, even people you like, won’t have the same opinion as you. Cancel culture is stupid.

I really need to be clapping for you up and down this thread.

At this very moment Trump is having post office boxes in left-leaning areas removed and destroyed. He’s destroying USPS’s mail-sorting machines and his flimsy reasoning was that they’re “too expensive.” Something that’s already paid for and working is somehow to expensive.

What I legitimately do not get is that nearly all of the criticisms of Kamala Harris are based on her past as a prosecutor and all of the concerns, critiques, memes, rage-Tweets and so on are based on that history (which was mixed, she did some bad things and some good things as well), but the Biden/Harris criminal

It’s like the whole thing about women having to work twice as hard to be accepted even applies to other women and it drives me nuts.

Have you considered that in light of how important this election is the rest of us just don’t really give a shit if you feel conflicted or not about it? He’s not the first (or second, or third, or fourth) choice for a lot of us but we haven’t spent the last 6 months crying about it.

Engaging in the democratic process is a civic duty. Instead of expecting it to be some fun, fulfilling experience, and then feeling let down, let it simply be doing what good you can for your community with the tools you have.

Take a million stars from another woman who was moved to tears on Tuesday. I haven’t felt this happy since November 2008. 

There is a damn good reason people are concerned by the response.

So who will we ever be allowed to be excited about? These articles are not being tempered with the reality of the caliber of politicians in this country. Barack Obama’s record is mixed but it doesn’t make his candidacy/presidency less historic or less exciting. Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist but he didn’t think

I think one piece of the problem is hoping to feel excited or inspired by politics on an ongoing basis. It’s fantastic that as a first time voter you felt so inspired, but maybe that was more about the first time than the vote, know what I mean? Do you feel inspired by upholding your other civic responsibilities? Get

Anything to depress the vote. Trump is a literal fucking fascist but eh...we’re not super excited about the Dem choice. So, you know, guess we’ll stay home and watch the downfall of America. 

I am not in a bad mood and this annoyed me as well. This is not the time to look for the absolutely perfect candidate. This is near-literal do or die time. 

Respect your right to speak your truth. But you will find for a lot of black women like me it is all pride. No ambivalence or mixed feelings here. The problem with articles like this is with your platform this is amplified like it is the general feeling. Meanwhile my friends and I are bingeing on the joy of this

I like this comment. Why does Kamala have to be perfect for this to be inspiring? She is far from perfect, which puts her in the company of exactly every politician ever. Still something to cheer. 

I feel like we’re going to be reading versions of this word salad regularly between now and election day.

I am so tired of these stupid purity tests that are specifically targeted at women candidates. If you want Trump and friends to kill more Americans, then just say it alrrady. 

There are no perfect candidates, just like there are no perfect people. Sen. Harris is a brilliant, accomplished woman of color. Her selection is an acknowledgement of the importance of Black Women to the Democratic party and to this country. Let’s rejoice! Don’t let the trolls get you down.