Eartha Kittenheels

Well Bernie was running for the Democratic nominee. I don’t think you can call yourself a “supporter” if you can’t even manage to register for the party whose nomination your candidate is seeking. The number of “young Bernie supporters who didn’t vote in the primary because they couldn’t be bothered to register as

But what about that incredibly important “I can’t be bothered to vote” demographic?

Facts that contradict Jezebel’s “Bernie is the best candidate ever” policy are by definition wrong.

They overwhelmingly supported him except for that whole “actually voting” thing. Such a hassle.

I mean Biden’s also performing dramatically better among older voters than Clinton did and is thus significantly ahead of where Hillary was in the polls at a similar point 4 years ago, but cool, cool accentuate the negative as always MAGAbels. 

Yeah, but looking at more recent polls doesn’t allow Ashley to shit on Biden. 

But he’s doing worse than another candidate

  • “For example, in North Carolina, overall turnout was up 17 percent youth turnout was down 9 percent,” John Della Volpe, director of polling at the Harvard Institute of politics told Power Up. “There’s not evidence to suggest that Sanders has expanded the electorate among young people in important ways.”

Anyone that doesn’t vote for Biden is a fucking moron, but don’t forget the majority of Americans are utter fucking morons. Remember, most of us that pay attention to politics know the stakes involved — just as we did in 2016. The problem is that most of the electorate stayed home and didn’t vote.

Will League 46 include Bernie Sanders, the candidate that young voters overwhelmingly supported in the primary?

Millenials and gen-z don’t show up to the polls. We were spoilt for choice yet the primaries were decided by older folks. All those tweets and facebook posts amounted to nothing for Bernie Sanders. Young women barely cast a glance at Elizabeth Warren. Julian Castro never even registered. In the UK, the youth led

Thank you. I’m so over people who can’t get over themselves to do the right thing and vote for Biden. If people stood in line for hours during a pandemic during the Wisconsin primary, then you can muster about the energy to register to vote (which you can do online in most states) and request a mail in/absentee ballot

Hopefully he doesn’t spend a lot of valuable time and resources winning over a demographic that, regardless of what they claim in comment sections, or on Twitter ... barely votes, if at all.

In fact, Biden is reportedly fairing worse than Hillary Clinton with the under-40 set: His lead among 18 to 34-year-olds is narrower than Clinton’s was to President Trump during the last stretch of the 2016 election cycle.

Yep.  And this is the thing.  Reade had a horse.  Horses are expensive pets.  If you are so poor, that you can’t afford to pay rent, you don’t own a horse.  

Honestly, the thing I found most interesting about the Politico article was not that information about her bankruptcy and landlords but that her own retelling of her role at Joe Biden’s office seemed to be inflating with each person she told the tale to:


This blog.

The “aggrieved acquaintances” were but a handful of former landlords. The damning behavior behind the trumpeted claim of dishonesty and wrongdoing? Reade allegedly struggled to pay her rent, and sometimes she pleaded for her landlords’ sympathy.

“Never having struggled, never having been dishonest, and never having spoken positively of an alleged abuser.”