Eartha Kittenheels

Biden losing is a win for progressives. Because the only true way to win is to be forever aggrieved and the victims of vast political conspiracies. The only way to lose is to be put in charge of something and have responsibilities, and they will do everything in their power to avoid that. It is the only possible explan

There is a motherfucker with a goddamn gun to our heads and his name is Donald Trump.  

This. Where were all the Millennial and Gen Z Bernie bros during the primaries? Despite all the enthusiasm and loudness on social media, turns out they don’t have the numbers when it actually counts and you actually have to leave the house and vote. 

And once again, Esther’s daily attempt to kneecap Joe Biden and help Trump get re-elected.

Another long, bitter diatribe about Joe Biden, who has the most progressive platform out of any Democratic nominee for President, ever.

When the news popped up on my iPhone last night that RBG was hospitalized (again) my first reaction was “Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! Nonononononono NO!” Fortunately, it appears to be a relatively minor thing and (please sweet baby Jebus) she will be back on her feet soon. But I find it stressful enough going through

...a wide swath of the party’s voters, who have despite all evidence of his unsuitability anointed Biden as the man to defeat Donald Trump in November.”

Maybe some voters could have showed up and voted for Sanders during the primary. If you want a specific candidate, you have to participate. Instead... people who

(like that she “changed her story,” when she really didn’t)

I’m curious - how else is someone supposed to respond when accused of something they didn’t do, other than essentially call the accuser a liar? (words he did not use) 

Oh good, another article attacking the Democratic candidate based on thirty year old, unconfirmed allegations. Might as well vote third party so Trump gets another four years. That’ll show those moderates.

So approximately how many more columns do you plan to write about your disappointment concerning Biden as the nominee? I think your ‘disenchantment ‘ is pretty clear to all at this point.

He has “real world” enthusiasm in the form of winning most polls and getting the most votes, which counts more than internet enthusiasm which is meaningless.

And Bernie would kill for all the votes Biden got, because at the end of the day, that’s what counts.

There’s a difference between sharing memes online and actually going out to vote

I look forward to the coverage of The Witch’s niece’s immediately discredited accusations against Biden. And the weekly accusations that will be released going forward through election day.

The online “enthusiasm” for Bernie turned off as many people as it attracted.

So after several paragraphs of criticizing Biden’s campaign, the author gets to the real point of the post: Bernie was better! Bernie’s supporters were better!

I think the leftwingers who would rather see Trump re-elected than a moderate democrat elected are disproportionately represented by this website.

Man, I remember when Jezebel spent much of the 2016 election snarking on Hillary. That worked out well.