
They completely snubbed The Leftovers in which Regina King was amazing as well so I wouldn’t hold my breath just yet.

I could totally see Regina King getting a nomination. She’s really impressed me and showed a lot of range. Jean Smart has one good ep. under her belt of mostly being deadpan, I’d want to see more. Don Johnson fucking forget about it. He was well-cast for his role and played it capably

I think Veidt’s timeline started several years ago and is quickly catching up over an entire year each episode.  He’s trying to escape his prison, whatever it is, and I think he will be back on Earth by the end of the season. 

That reminds me of a joke...

I used to watch ‘Designing women’ on syndication when I was a kid.  You never notice how great she was until she left the show.

I'm pretty sure we're watching his years of 'captivity' condensed.

Anyone else think that Regina King, Jean Smart and Don Johnson will all have shiny new Emmy awards next September?

Are there several time lines at work here or am I overthinking? Veidt started off with one candle on his cake, then two, and tonight had three. And he is oddly trapped in a steamp-punk aesthetic that is like a call back to ROCKETEER—is it set in the same time period or is it the late 80s early 90s when that was a

Damn, Jean Smart just came in and owned every scene like a total boss. Who knew this is where she would end up at this stage of her career?

Helluva performance from Jean Smart. Obviously, the thermos-sized blue sex toy is the best spot of comedy.

Well, obviously.  Would you prefer the term “double standard”?  

And to the troll who replied...given the fact that Trump got booed last night AT A UFC FIGHT....it’s not liberals who should be sh*tting bricks.

You know, that’s the best explanation of it I’ve heard yet.

Many Evangelicals (especially those who support Trump) have the most un-Jesus like beliefs I’ve ever seen.

Hmmm, looks like Trump’s beloved wall isn’t so secure, after all.

When do they get fitted for uniforms?

Well, you will need a sturdy pair of scissors to get through that construction paper wall.

“I’m dressed as Gollum for Halloween.

It’s not like he needed to make a costume.

From myopicprophet: