
Now Warren needs to start countering the false narrative of people losing their “great” private insurance. I don’t know anyone who isn’t paying high premiums and a large amount out of pocket. I have a nurse friend who needs elective surgery, but thanks to her hospital provided insurance, She needs to come up with her

I’m sure you could raise the Medicare tax to 10% and most people would still be saving money.

Sure seems like ol’ Herb just didn’t like MAGA criticism - got rid of Splinter, destroyed Deadspin trying to make them apolitical, may be trying to throttle Jez.

I might argue that everything is burning down already, no?

The key, I think, is that the wonkery isn’t the main goal of this plan. It, for example, includes comprehensive immigration reform as a source of revenue. It adds a financial transactions tax and huge investments in IRS enforcement, and eliminates an officially temporary but functionally permanent defense fund (Ezra

I love Liz as much as I hate Jim Spanfeller for ruining Deadspin.

Her plan is an ambitious one—employers would contribute the money they currently pay for their workers’ private health insurance to Medicare, and the rest of the projected costs would be covered by, among other mechanisms, higher taxes on billionaires, taxing capital gains income, and cuts to a Defense Department

That’s the future I want too. And even though I’m in the middle class that supposedly won’t have their taxes increased to pay for it, I’d happily pay extra taxes for it.

She’s the best policy wonk in the race. She might not be the first with all of her policies but Liz seems the best choice to join the different factions of the Democratic Party. 

I fucking love Elizabeth Warren and gve money t her campaign monthly, but let’s be clear: the American people are drooling braindead morons who voted for a guy whose plan to stop illegal immigration was to built a giant fucking wall in the desert and “make Mexico pay for it.” This plan won’t stop bad-faith attacks on

So the military-industrial complex will suffer at the expense of me getting really good health-care? Sign me the fuck up!

I dunno. I’m a pretty consistent progressive but I cannot tolerate hypocrisy. If we oust Al Franken for butt-squeezing, should we look the other way when Hill has an inherently coercive relationship with a staffer? For Franken, my opinion was “let’s get over it.” What Hill did is a lot more serious. Don’t have sex

You might want to get the name right before commenting. It’s Katie Hill not “Katie Porter”

Katie hill was accused of having two separate relationships with different staffers. One she denies and one she admits to. The one she admits to was on her campaign staff WHICH is not against the code of conduct and she was not a sitting member of Congress at the time. Is it wrong? Yes and she admits that now. And

the only reason gaetz is even commenting is bc hes terrified of his own dick pics getting blasted.

C’mon, when a trumper choad like Gaetz defends her more vociferously than you, Nancy, it’s time to ride into the sunset.

In this case both things are true and can exist side by side - shes a victim of a revenge porn crime. her ex needs to be prosecuted, as well as the sites that published the pictures.

She also broke rules of her employer with an inapproriate relationship. So for that she should leave her post.

She should immediately

California has a pretty broad revenge porn law, so all parties involved get their turn next.