I think after Hue was let go and the team immediately improved, a lot of people crowned them as contenders and you’re seeing a lot of people backpedaling from that opinion.
I think after Hue was let go and the team immediately improved, a lot of people crowned them as contenders and you’re seeing a lot of people backpedaling from that opinion.
When you make statements like this then yes, you are asking for it.
New rich and old rich will feud with one another on occasion, but when they have the opportunity to align with one another to fight their common enemy (the non-rich), they will get along fine.
That Ellen can wage this fight on television to audience applause is astounding.
To be fair, all American Presidents end up committing war crimes. It’s intrinsic to the job - as the job has existed post-WWII.
Yeah Bush is ultimately responsible for some very bad shit, I would have a very hard time being friends with him because of it; however, that doesn’t mean I think he should wander the rest of his life alone and undeserving of friendship.
Anyone who says there’s no class consciousness in America has never seen two rich people in a room together.
It’s pretty fucking easy once you’re a celebrity with fuckwads of money to forgive everyone because all of a sudden those things that are problematic for the average punter of a particular sexual orientation/ race etc go away . Your fame and power will pave the way
“bad luck.” I mean, she’s friends with the guy. She said so herself.
I’d say that’s pretty true for all socioeconomic classes, people generally hang out with people in their same tax bracket.
You don’t wind up sitting beside a former POTUS by accident. Ellen went to the stadium knowing she was going to hang out with GWB and that’s okay.
I figure Cheney can punt the baby at least ten yards this year.
I do hope they have a better menu this year. I found last year’s peasants kind of tough and stringy.
Just a matter of time until someone tells us all about the annual Bush family blood feast.
I like Ellen, she’s a good person that had the bad luck of attending the same game as a former doofus president that made a Guinness record of bad policy decisions. Next time, don’t go if Shrub is in attendance. Easy Peasy.
but I can at least kind of feel for the guy, to some extent.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: rich people have far more in common with each other - politics be damned - than with the rest of us.
he used this as a wedge issue to get reelected
It’s a bit of both for me. On the one hand, the buck stops there and fuck him for a million years in the deepest pit of Hell. On the other, he is clearly a complete moron and Cheney told him what to say and how to wipe his ass.
I’ve always had a hard time reconciling this idea with the fact that his father was the former head of the CIA and the president a decade prior. Seems like Dubya should have been pretty well-informed. What was even more confusing was Obama’s continuation of Bushian overseas policy. Maybe those same evil people still…
Yeah, I think the framing as “I can have friends that I don’t agree with” is disingenuous. She’s not being attacked for being pals with someone who has conservative beliefs, she’s being attacked for being pals with someone who committed war crimes, and who used his power to make life worse for LGBTQ people (I mean, he…