Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Walter Kronkite, just to see what kind of person he would turn into on Twitter.
Eisenhower (“Look what your political party has become!”)
That or just once, where he’d simply nod and say “yup, knew that shit was gonna happen”.
1. John Wilkes Booth
George Carlin. Three times, because the realization Donald Trump is president would kill him again the first two.
George Carlin.
He’ll be there long after Gruden. He just has to wait this year out then he can have a career ending injury next year as the starter.
Until the courts start throwing these authoritarian thugs behind bars for violating court orders and flagrantly violating both due process and the rights of the people they target, they’ll keep ignoring the law. There’s been no penalty for them. The entire agency is a gigantic culture of abuse, where racism seems to…
Border Patrol officers are those that weren’t qualified to be municipal police officers, other federal law enforcement agents or even prison guards. A good amount of them are TSA agents that wanted a raise, a gun and better benefits. So it is laughable that a BP agent on a power Trip knows anything about the law.
I wonder where they got that idea?
Talk to the hand cuz the face is a senile sack of crap.
Seriously, look at the contrast in color between hand and face (and I’m talking top of the hand). Those aren’t even in the same row at the paint samples rack at Lowe’s.
Short-fingered vulgarian.
I think I see Mitch McConnell.
Tweet in an hour. “As you can see my hands are yoogly bigly. Fake news says my hands are not big. WRONG! SAD! No collusion you crane bullshit.”