Yeah, if an ambiguous term is understood by the parties involved to be something illegal it doesn’t matter what they call it, especially if someone will straight up say what it referred to.
Yeah, if an ambiguous term is understood by the parties involved to be something illegal it doesn’t matter what they call it, especially if someone will straight up say what it referred to.
“Quid Proquo” is one of those Mexican wrestlers with the masks, right?
Yeah, that’s another impeachable offense imo, he refuses to chair the agency that would investigate this shit because he knows it’s illegal and doesn’t want to get investigated.
Poor comedian discovering the amount of sheer Hollywood bullshit involved in running a country. He'd better snap out of it and make sure he stays aligned with the right people. Ukraine is in a fragile state right now, everyone's watching him like a hawk.
Zelensky is in a tough spot. You can tell from his face in the photos that he knows Trump is a fool, but he has to play nice so he can get the military help he desperately needs. Especially since Trump is fellating Uncle Vlad. If he embarrasses Trump in ANY way, Cheetolini will just tweet about “Maybe Russia was doing…
I’m trying to watch YouTube this morning, and every 30 seconds I’m getting Trump campaign “surveys” and creepy ads for the Epoch Times.... It sure looks to me like the GOP has spent a fuckload of money on a panicked ad-buy.
I think Zelensky would be well advised to just not say anything about any of this and not get himself involved in this extremely messy ugly affair any more than absolutely necessary. Poor guy just wanted to make his country better and now this comes along....
And of course he has now taken to straight up asking China via televised interviews. As we are in a major trade war with them it would be easy even for dipshit to find a lever to pull to ease or worsen trade depending on outcome. Now we need to see what he has asked Xi for and offered in exchange.
( Iran-Contra x Teapot Dome ) ^ Watergate = Trump Administration
The FEC that doesn’t have enough members atm to function FEC? That FEC?
Trying to normalize it to his idiot base so they won’t think it’s a crime, it’s working so far so him.
He did the impeachment stuff into a fucking camera yesterday. What the fuck is he even on about?
First day of big trial.
I predict that this strategy will be completely effective, just like it was every other time. Trump and the other Republicans will keep squealing that there was no specific moment that Trump used the exact words “I am going to withhold military aid until you investigate my political rival” so therefore there was no…
Except by saying this, he gives his lackies, his cult in the electorate, Fox News, and—ugh—the congressional GOP the cute little soundbite they need that won’t be challenged by the CNNs of the world. Oy.
It also doesn’t mattered whether he pressured the Ukrainians or not, just asking for help from a foreign nation to smear your political rival is an FEC violation!
A misstep like Trump telling the Press on the White House lawn that he wants foreign countries investigating the Bidens?
It’s like watching children try to speak in code. The plausible deniability on this one is razor thin—it’ll take a single misstep to shatter it entirely, and we all know Orange Foolius already has one foot lodged firmly in the back of his throat.