A month ago she still had me chewing my fingernails off. Before, it wasn’t time. Now, it’s time. I still feel a little sheepish. ^^
A month ago she still had me chewing my fingernails off. Before, it wasn’t time. Now, it’s time. I still feel a little sheepish. ^^
I imagine Rob Portman goes home every night and chants “there’s no place like home” until he passes out for the night.
“The President has been crystal clear no quid pro quo’s of any kind.”
Isn’t that great? Every time they fumble out another talking point, it dies before takeoff.
Me too. I just wouldn’t have the restraint to not say “eat it motherfucker, how does it taste now?” Whenever one of the GOP’s blatant plays for power so they can carry out their shitty agenda, boomerangs back on them like this.
Surprise!! Johnson’s playing like he doesn’t remember a thing.
Whenever I see pictures of him, the first word that pops into my head is “pasty”.
Isn’t that delightful? I remember grumbling when they enacted it.... And I remember Gerry Connolly crowing about it when he revived it for Trump. Operation Boomerang, complete.
How funny is it that Rudy has turned out to be not just a raving partisan but the worst lawyer anyone can imagine? He goes to the press or on TV and blabs about EVERYTHING. Then he brags that he has texts that will exonerate him from whatever he’s saying wasn’t a problem anyway. Seems pretty clear that Trump keeps him…
Karma’s a bitch, eh Kevin?
Addendum 2: I forgot the soundtrack. Of COURSE there’s a Firewater song for that!
Addendum: THIS is why Kevin McCarthy is whining about the House Republicans not having a say in all these subpoenas.
What was amusing earlier today was seeing Trump double down on the Ukraine then in the next segment claim the whole whistle blower complaint was a work of fiction.
i suppose it was only matter of time in all of this until we discovered that Rudy was literally warned to stop his messing around and that he’d better think of his future.
The reason why every defense Trump and company puts up keeps failing is because Trump and his GOP Congressmen usually just yell at reporters and Dems until those two groups just give up. This time around journalists and Dems aren’t being frightened away and only the most Trump loving Republicans are willing to go on…
I’m also going to love hearing Portman and Johnson react to this little refresher course. Oh yeah, that's right, nobody liked Shokin... we were just hoping y'all wouldn't remember...
Knock ‘em down, Christian soldiers, knock ‘em down.
Hey, who are you gonna believe, Rudy “9/11!” Giuliani (9/11!!!) or “some guy” who spent most of his professional life working to further and support US and its allies’ interests in service to the State Department under several Presidents from both parties?
Volker’s mistake was thinking that Guiliani, Trump and the GOP care about whether or not the allegations are true. This is just a political hit job against Biden and the Republicans will simply use the lack of evidence to further the idea that there is some grand “deep state” conspiracy keeping their base from knowing…
So the investigation continues, but it seems like it’s only a matter of time before either of these old dummies—Trump or Rudy—have an episode where they go on Fox & Friends and just spit it out themselves.