
That Warren tweet about actually being a Cougar (of the Houston variety) is magical.

I knew it would be Wohl as soon as I saw only the headline. It’s hilarious how bad he is at this. Plenty of people make up plenty of lies about politicians and they get traction! Even if they’re not big viral lies, I mean...what?!

When the super Christian, stable genius president does it, it’s NOT a sin!

They just made nerdy ol’ Elizabeth Warren zoom up about 27 points on the coolness scale.

These fuckwits have had more cunning plans than Baldrick, and even less success!

I hear she’s got a plan for that...

it is unfortunate that Warren is wearing out our nation’s critical young stud reserves

“The press conference is being drowned out by Chumbawumba” is just an amazing fucking sentence and I’m sure it will be my final thought before I die and I am hashtag-blessed for that. 

Wow, just when I thought Hot Girl Summer was over....Elizabeth Warren gets outed as a big ol’ freak.  Where’s my checkbook?

Why, why, why do you keep giving these people the attention that they want?

Are we gonna talk about this dude’s xXx tattoo???

I sent $55. Hit that shit 10% harder, Miz Warren. 

Even allowing for the gender double-standard that Wohl articulated which surely exists within the dimmer segment of our society, I still cannot get over that these two dipshits think carrying on an extramarital affair would be career-ending in the era of Trump.

Just sent $50 more to Warren. Hell, yes. This is the best revelation ever: Elizabeth Warren fucks. You are damn straight it fucking slaps. 

Yup, his genius, and i mean that sincerely, is to just commit all the crimes in the open. Then throw it over to Fox News/Hate Radio. If youre president and have 34 senators on your side you are untouchable. 

Heck, offer up Alaska to Russia in exchange for the pee tape.

He things Magas will start a civil war and save him. He underestimates how lazy his supporters are.

I firmly think that if the Senate votes and acquits him, the DNC should start openly soliciting help from foreign interests to take out their Senators. If you’re going to say it’s normal, let’s make it normal.

Right? I don’t know if they’re trying to make sure everyone goes down with them, but damn.