
Seriously. I even made a sign and everything :-\

Now playing

Their media strategy at this point is basically the opposite of an old Conan O’Brien comedy bit:

They stopped at a US taxpayer funded resort in Hermosillo to fill out applications for welfare checks and free healthcare so everything is in place when they arrive in Texas and get to rapin’ and pillagin’. A select few ‘nasty’ ones were also chosen to join MS-13 and will later be shuttled to midwestern cities by Beto

The big, beautiful, thirty foot tall, unscalable, concrete wall that Trump totally fulfilled his promise to build and Mexico gladly paid for put a stop to that!

We doing this shit again? I’ll let AOC explain what these evils of socialism are, now just a meaningless word used by Republicans to scare boomers into voting for fascists:

that reminds me, where is that caravan I was assured was going to rape and kill every trump supporter’s family by the end of 2018. fuckers are taking a while to get here.

“Don’t forget, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, they’re avowed socialists..”

So ... Trump is lying. Fox News is lying to support Trump’s lies.

Given the average American’s understanding of basic Civics concepts—or their understanding of the founding documents they swathe themselves in (having had to memorize the Preamble in eighth grade doesn’t count as having read the entirety of the founding documents, folks)—it follows that Trump’s using the “if the

There can be “bloodless coups” but even then the threat of violence is what powers them. Our system is explicitly set up to ensure peaceful transfers of power. The only time it hasn’t worked involved a civil war where traitorous white people wanted to split away from this system to keep owning black people.  And, if

A coup would be someone ignoring the processes included in the constitution they pretend to love and inciting followers to violence to protect them. I’m guessing...

I think you are putting way too much stock in a good portion of the U.S. population seeing reason. After all, Obama only successfully dragged this country out of a horrendous recession for 8 years, and yet, so many people actually voted the Dems out of The Oval. Even Hillary being an unlikable candidate shouldn’t have

The Republican party’s only goal is to hold onto power. They have no ideas, no policy (other than, don’t do what Democrats want), and no soul.

We’ll see if anyone suffers a consequence, but they all had to know this moment would come. They knew he was reckless and doing illegal this and having people participate in those things. Not only that, but he brazenly confesses to all his crimes.

How many people involved with this administration are going to prison when all is finally revealed?

At this point, anyone in Trump's administration that denies any knowledge of Trump’s activities should be understood as a confession that they are fully aware of the criminal activities. 

What Dump knows about construction: how to put a hard-hat on his head and hold a shovel in his tiny hands for the photo-op while grinning smugly at the camera. That’s it.

He got into construction because he wants to be a mob boss so badly. 

I work with more than a few folks who believe that if they won the lottery they would join the 1%ers.

As a tax lawyer and poli-sci dork I tend to agree with taxing high wealth at high rates as a means to prevent accretions of wealth which can lead to an oligarchy, but the constitutional lawyer in me worries about a direct tax on wealth that would most likely be considered unconstitutional.