
Following the GOP playbook, “the real idiocy is the pointing out of the idiocy”. 

Fox "News" LIED about that, though, is the thing. 

Once Mexico finally ponies up, I’ll be America’s ‘Wall Stud’.

Now playing

That’s not true! He also has the Youtube video with all his cameos in it bookmarked.

Given this guys track record of stiffing contractors and going bankrupt I doubt he knows the difference between cross beam and a wall stud.

“The best line, “You are making me look like an idiot!” Nope, you’re doing that all on your own.”

Trump wouldn't get it. I suspect the only movies he watches are porn. 

It’s incredible I can still be shocked. But moat full of alligators shocked me.

You would think he wouldn’t be that fucking ignorant-stupid but he is.

Trump was apparently “happiest” with Nielsen when U.S. border agents fired tear gas into Mexico as people tried to cross the border. “Mr. Trump loved it,” the Times reported.

Ah, yes, our border with Mexico between El Paso and San Diego is the perfect place for a water-filled moat filled with wild animals that would need constant attention.

Just a boy enjoying the fun of pretending to be king

“Sir,” she said, “I literally don’t think that’s even possible,”

White House aides apparently looked into a cost estimate for a trench alongside the border wall filled with snakes or alligators”

Charlie Day was on NPR the other night, and stunned me by saying that the namePepe Silvia’ wasn’t an intentionally illiterate reading of ‘Pennsylvania,’ but that he finds that fan theory to be far superior to the truth that it was just a funny name they thought up while writing the episode. 

Given all that, you’d think Trump would appreciate having a rabid lap dog like Rudy on his team.

Trump is an obnoxious, cowardly, bullying dick, but I have less than a microfuck of sympathy for Rudy. I hope they’re cellmates.

Trump’s just jealous that Rudy got World Series rings from the Yankees and Donny didn’t.

This gritty reboot of “Grumpy Old Men” really sucks.