
If there’s one good thing to come out of the Trump presidency, I hope it’s once and for all killing the notion that business man = smart politician. I can see NOTHING that Zuck would bring to the political table beyond the blandest of technocratic garbage.

A weekly Q&A session? Christ. I get that transparency with company leadership is a good thing, and enables employees to get insight into the performance and direction of the company and voice concerns, but doing that every fucking week just screams that Zuckerburg loves hearing himself talk and sees himself as some

For this I’m voting Warren in the Primary. And if the Bernie Bros don’t want someone in the same ballpark as their hero: then fuck them sideways - they can go for 4 more years with the senile ass-tartar in office.

Which would be great if, you know, Facebook actually paid what they owed in taxes and didn’t exist essentially as a subsidized conglomerate that actively contributed to genocide internationally with no oversight from any kind of government organization.

The sooner Facebook and Twitter vanish from existence, the better off we’ll all be. We lived without these social outlets before, and we can certainly do so again.

People like you have been whining about this for about 30 years.

Interviewer: Are you a which, good or a which, bad?

Judging from that photo, Zuckerberg should be concentrating all his energy on suing his barber.

Wall Street mega donors threatening to put their money behind Trump. Zuckerburg opining about how bad she’s going to be for him. The 1% hasn’t been this riled up since FDR. Even Bernie didn’t have them running to the papers like this in 2016.

Was he really not expecting his remarks to be leaked? And, once leaked, did he really not see how his words might play directly into Warren’s longstanding criticism of, well, him?

But is the bear Catholic?

You’re right, I should have been more specific.  “Did Trump provide information under oath (“under penalty of perjury” is the same thing) to Mueller?” would have been a better question.

I know, they will basically be sayingyeah he’s not intact mentally, but he can still be trusted with nuclear weapons.”

They have been trying to get access to the grand jury testimony for months. Courts seem to move at glacier speeds.

Unless I am missing something, they should have already been looking into this, right? Ukraine or no Ukraine. 

The only relevant question is “did Trump speak to Mueller under oath?”  Because if the answer is “yes,” then yes, he lied to him under oath.

But we can’t call them “lies” and we have to default to “falsehoods” or “mistruths” because decorum or something.

I would be much more surprised to learn he told the truth!  Only the best lies though, might even call it perfect lies.

Trump breathes more than he lies but he lies more than he wolfs down diet cokes or hamburgers.

“That insinuation is absurd!”