Which he can’t claim, because he has said he wasn’t Trump’s personal lawyer.
Which he can’t claim, because he has said he wasn’t Trump’s personal lawyer.
Would anybody really be shocked if Rudy fabricates the documents he submits? I mean, after all, none of the other crimes this administration has committed ever gets punished.
Here’s hoping he makes a TV appearance tonight to talk about the subpoena!
He’ll be sitting in his cell, caterwauling about having been the “mayor of America” on 9/11 like it means anything anymore when he’s been busy helping foreign governments meddle with the American government.
Plus, he waived attorney client privilege, if it even applied in the first place (unlikely, since you can’t use it to do crimes), by running his mouth, and also by saying at one point, I think, that he was acting not as Trump’s lawyer but as a citizen or some such nonsense.
You can start writing your next story where he refuses to show up and says Trump claims executive privilege.
Gyaaaahahahahaha Trump also tried to pressure Australia into doing his anti-Mueller dirty work!
There are two kinds of mental illness commonly associated with word salad. One, are conditions that are associated with some form of altered brain function. So you’ll see it in some forms of brain injury like an aneurysm or stroke to specific parts of the brain, but you could also see it in conditions where something…
I wonder if this will be a Soros deep state coup against the president and his Brooklyn country lawyer or a Hillary/Obama deep state coup against the president and his Brooklyn country lawyer?
I applaud you for somehow finding an image for the header with his big mouth closed.
We know that he can swing a golf club, but I have never seen him bend over to pick up a ball. By which I mean to say, I’m certain that someone - literally - ties his shoes for him.
The level of incoherence is new, but he’s been wandering away from lots of stuff for years now.
Luckily for us, he is not part of the government and can and will be thrown in jail if he is held in contempt of Congress
That was ... astonishingly incoherent, even for Trump. I can’t believe anyone thinks this man has sufficient mental acuity to tie his shoes, much less run a country.
“The call was PERFECT!”
On the subject of spewing absolute nonsense, the House Intelligence Committee has apparently subpoenaed Rudy Giuliani as part of the impeachment inquiry. He’s already said he won’t co-operate.
I have wracked my brain for years now wondering the same thing. I only know one thing for sure: the people I know who support Trump are seething with hatred and they always have. And these particular people aren’t hurting for $$ either, so they have plenty of other ways to make their enemies suffer.
Ah, the comeuppance is wonderful.
Not all domestic terrorism has been from the right, but all domestic terrorism murders since 2018 have been. The last lethal, non-right wing terrorist attack was an ISIS inspired attack in New York City that left 8 people dead back in 2017. The last left-wing attack was in 2016, the lethal shooting of 5 Dallas police…