
Just add it to the list

But China is going to pay those tariffs!!!!!!

I can’t wait till he hits the point where he starts ceasing personal firearms....because that will happen if this is the path and I am not sure how his base will react to that, not that they will be able to because it will be to late but who knows. “Viva la resistance”,  I will totally rock a beret

Left-wing terrorism is at an all time low. It went from being the most common type of domestic terrorism in the 1970s to comprising only a few percentage of domestic terrorism deaths in the last decade. Almost all lethal domestic terrorism these days is Islamic or some sort of right-wing terrorism (white nationalist,

They’re going to have to pry my parents’ Netflix subscription from my cold, dead hands.

So Christian of him to call for civil war (Pastor Dumbfuck). I’m sure his shitty kin will be first to sign up, amirite? What is it with Christians and wanting war? Is that what Jeebus would do?

It is possible, but I don’t think it is very likely given his continued popularity among the GOP’s voters. But then again, Nixon enjoyed Republican support on the impeachment issue. . . . until he didn’t, so you never know what single thing could come out in the next 12 months to shift the GOPs opinion.

What does Frasier’s dad have to do with anything?

I have no faith in the legislative branch either. my Crimson tide dream is one where an impeachment had already come through full course by the power of fairy dust and unicorn rainbow farts. At that time the actual law enforcement and rank and file of the executive branch would uphold the letter of the law in spite of

 Shut up, tomato. 

 Awww, the right wing trolls are triggered. Impeachment must be wearing on their nerves. 

That only works when one side has all the power and one side doesn’t.. when you have a cult that will listen to you no matter what the LAW says... well, it becomes a power struggle.

Everyone should follow the work of Robert Evans (Behind the Bastards, It could Happen Here, The War on Everyone). He has done conflict journalism in the Middle East (though he might bristle at being called a conflict journalist), and his growing focus has become fascism in America and how the Christian Dominionists

Yeah, but in this case we’re not counting on the mindfulness to duty of highly-trained Navy personnel, but fucking GOP Congressmen and Senators. After the way they’ve behaved since... well, I guess my entire life, I’m not assuming they’re ever going to do anything of the sort.

What’s he carrying in that photo?

No, as long as he thinks he has money and power, he will puff his chest and attempt to browbeat anyone and anything that threatens his self-image.

The president himself may or may not be a white supremacist, I dunno.

“...If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War...”

He’s gonna talk a ton of shit then fold like always. It’s amazing how people constantly forget what a weak nothing of a man he is when push comes to shove.

At this point, it’s unclear whether Trump will leave office peacefully (either via the unlikely event of full impeachment by Congress, losing the 2020 election, or at the end of his two terms in office), let alone where the white supremacist movement goes in a post-Trump world with a rapidly deteriorating climate.’